Page:Weird Tales volume 33 number 04.djvu/144

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steel cage whereby the naughty entity was trapped. A darn good mess o' reading, sho'nuff—Quinn is still tops with me. Smith can give the creepiest yarns from times beyond recorded history! This Double Shadow had me looking over my shoulder expecting a horrible reptilian monster gazing upon me with baleful glare. Still, the thot of an alligator walking upright makes one wonder if pink elephants aren't next in line. Manly Weird Wellman promises a good 'un. Fearful Rock is plenty fearful already—these queer people—Persil Mandifer and his grotesque son are very oogy. Hurry with the next issue. Glad to see August Derleth again on our pages. Although most of his stories run on the ghost type, The Drifting Snow proved good entertainment—and I like Wisconsin. Donald Wandrei's Giant-Plasm was ok—but I don't care for amebas or stories of them. Goody—the wily Cleo done herself in finally and so the lovely lass and sturdy hero were happy. Kelley's entire I Found Cleopatra was much to my liking. Uh—HK has me wondering about his Transgressor—does this go on and on and on? It's rather an amusing tale. Omi mi—the reprint The Last Horror was a horror. Can't say it was 'zackly weird, but such an adventure! Horrors! Now for a bit of comment on the poemry—Howard's The King and the Oak—excellent! Kramer's Crazy Nell—pathetic. Lovecraft's Zaman's Hill has almost a Pied Piper theme—on the gruesome side. Scanning the Eyrie, it seems Kelley and his Egyptian tales are plenty popular—into which I cast my vote also. My favorite of this issue is The Poltergeist of Swan Upping. Bye bye—shall reappear next month."

Two Great Authors

Alexis Papoff writes from Cleveland: "I have been reading your magazine for five years and think it's great. That's an awfully commonplace way of describing WT, but the fact is I don't quite know how else to describe it. It has me quite hypnotized. Seabury Quinn's story Lynne Foster Is Dead was one of the most absorbing stories I have ever read. It is as lovely, and fantastic and well written, though of course in a different way, as his Globe of Memories, which I consider one of