Page:Western Europe in the Middle Ages.djvu/247

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This is a list of books in English which may interest those who wish more detailed information about specific topics in medieval history. Most of these boob give further suggestions for reading on the topics with which they deal.

Those who read French will find much that is valuable in the volumes on the Middle Ages in the co-operative Histoire de France, edited by Lavisse. Halphen's Charlemagne et Fempire Carolmgim is also recommended, especially since there is no good treatment of this subject in English. Marc Block's two great books—Les caractères originaux de l’histoire rurale française and La société féodale—more difficult, but are worth making an effort to read. R. Fawtier gives some new viewpoints on French history in his book, Les Capétiens et la France.

No translations of source materials are listed here, since most of them are not very interesting to or easily understood by readers who are acquainted only with the broad outlines of medieval history. There is a useful but unselective list in C.P. Farrer and A.P. Evans, Bibliography of English Translations from Medieval Sources (New York, 1946). A selection of the more readable and interesting sources available in English translations is given in the bibliography of The Middle Ages, by J.R. Strayer and D.C. Munro.


Baldwin, S. The Organization of Medieval Christianity. New York, 1929.