Page:What cheer, or, Roger Williams in banishment (1896).pdf/238

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"Thou hast thus roused each slumbering might,
  And framed thy soul to be
Fit now to climb yon starry height;—
  Come, then, and follow me."


See the hues of evening fading
  From the sky and tranquil bay;
See the groves, with deeper shading,
  Brown the dale as fails the ray.

Hear the distant torrent falling,
  Hear the note of whip-poor-will,
Hear the shepherd homeward calling
  Flocks that bleat on lonely hill.

See yon cloud the distance glooming,
  Hear its far-off thunder roar,
Hear the distant ocean's booming
  Billows beat the eternal shore.

God is in the hues of heaven
  Fading from the sky and bay;
God is in the shades of even,
  That chase the heavenly hues away.

God is in the torrent falling,
  In the song of whip-poor-will,
In the voice of shepherd calling,
  In the bleating on the hill,

In the cloud the distance glooming,
  In the distant thunder's roar,
In the far-off ocean booming
  On his everlasting shore.