Page:What cheer, or, Roger Williams in banishment (1896).pdf/239

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God! Thou art all substance wreathing
  Into forms that suit thy will;
God! Thou art through all things breathing
  One harmonious anthem still.


(From the School of Queen Mab.)

Halloo! halloo! Wild woodland now!
  How the twinkling stars look down!
And rocky and rude is the mountain's brow,
  And dark is the forest's frown.
Ha! ha! the dens and brambled fens
  My wild eyes laugh to greet,
And over the clifts and rocky rifts
  Right merrily dance my feet.

Pure is the gale, and odors rise
  From the wild woodland hill;
Wo-hoo! Wo-hoo! the dark owl cries,
  And shrilly the whip-poor-will;
But the deep tone of the owlet's moan
  Is a note of courage all free,
And the whip-poor-will's trill beneath the hill
  Gives music and motion to me.

The farmers' geese are very well fed,
  And fat and sleek are they;—
The blood-hound lies in his dreamy bed,
  So let me seek my prey.
On drumming wings the partridge springs,
  As over the brakes I fly;
But soon, like specks, the lily-white necks
  Will float before my eye.