Page:White and Blue Vol XIII no. 16, Feb 4 1910.djvu/7

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. Published every Friday by the Student Body of the Brigham Young '"University. Entered at the postoflice at Provo, Utah, as second-class mail matter. Subscription Price | .. .. .One Dollar Per Year STAFF: C. H . CARROLL. TV C. JONES D. R. Mitchell... Floy Larsen .... Julia B. Jensen.. Chas. Schwencke Eunice Iverson . B. F. Larsen Curtis Larsen . Wm. J. Snow Wm. Crawford... Not Editorial A strange thing to note in "school boy" conversation is that the subj ect latest studied has greater influence upon the vocab­ ulary than even years of habit. The suffix "ites" is undoubtedly an extract from some Book of Mormon formality. Hence it's a reasonable deduction; that the au­ thor of that masterpiece in which the ll's were branded falsely,'is a first year. He likely had his 9:45 exams, and inter-class athletics slightly jumbled in his fluctuating and erratic imagination. It may­ be of interest to our rural friend to know that that particular humpty - dumpty, or in other words, the. political boss with whose name the first year chose to re-christen the third year, had descended already from the acme of his authority before the game referred to was played. Further­ more (in his language) ( be it known unto all natibns, kindreds, tongues and people, that we, the third year H. S ..students hotly re­ sent the silly inappropriateness of the epithet, by which we were re­ ferred to . Now, if that department of this institution in which the ignoram­ us and erudite of three classes cuddles -in brotherly love beneath the protection of their nick-name, College, must go to the first years for a celebrity, let these good fel­ lows know that two ones and an H. S. are sufficiently formidable for an epithet. Perhaps the difficulty in distin­ guishing between college classes —of which, in reality, but one ex­ ists—caused him to forget that the High School is divided into four, each of which has a name of great length. To rebutt the rest of his stun­ ning exposition, I beg leave to submit the following in a style familiar to him: ... . Editor-in-Chief Business Manager . . Associate Editor . Literary Editors ...;. Local .... Events ... Faculty Staff Artist "Now, behold, all the mighty hosts of King David gathered to­ gether to do battle against the five brave champions which the 10's H. S. did send into the gym. Yea and there were they of class one, who were exceedingly green in college work; and they were true bulwarks of defense. And, lo! they of class two were also there in great numbers and also of class three, and verily they were all lift­ ed up in pride and they boasted openly of deeds they had done. And their wives and children, yea, even their" children's children did cheer them on and did cry ex­ ceedingly loud for they, too, were blood-thirsty, and they said: "Shoot it, papa," and all manner of encouraging things. But when it came to pass, they did blunder sadly; neither could they throw nor catch and it happened that they were sorely beaten and did grieve much for their lost honors. —H. S. Normal Notes Under the sway of Miss Binzel's rule The Training School now stands: Within its walls are critics wise, And trainers from all lands; And the pupils who are in those grades Have strong wills at their com­ mand. Miss Binzel's eyes are sharp and keen; The critics are not slow; Trainers in fear and trembling stand, Forgetting all they know, When critic wise or principal Is looking at them so. Good Shoes Our shoes are made in factor- ies that are famous the country over for high-grade work. 42 WEST CENTER ST. hid. Phone 184-D Bell Phone 183-BIack Bell Phone, Residence, 157-Z PROVO'S Popular Photographers ARE NOT EXCELLED IN UTAH Studio: 32 West Center St. That Dollar How Far Will It Go That's the question you 1 re most interested in. So were we when we bought our Fall and Winter stock. That's why your dollar will bring you more quality, more style, more satisfaction HERE than in any other store in town. A comparison of goods and pri­ ces will prove it. Geo. Passey & Go, "The Home of Good Goods"