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The wonderful works of our John.
Part II.

o' an agreement, they began to cow their cuttet lugs, an' wash their fairs, a' but Jockey's mither, who cries out, a black end on you a' and your wedding baith: for I hae gotten a hunder holes dung-in my arse wi' the round heckle teeth.

Jockey answers. A e'en had you wi' them than, mither, ye will e'en be the better fair'd.

Up gets uncle Rabby, an auld Sandy the sutor o' Seggyhole, to put every thing in order; they prapped up the bed wi' a rake and a rippling kame, the bearers being broken, they made a solid foundation o' peets, laid on the ca'f bed and bowsters, where Jockey and Maggy was bedded the second time.

Jockey no being used to lie wi' a naked woman, except heads and thraws wi' his mither, gets his twa hands about the bride's neck, and his hough out o'er her hurdies, saying, I ne'er kiss'd wife nor lass naked before, and for fainess I'll bite you, I'll bite you, &c. Naithing mair remarkable till about ha'f a year, and four oukes thereafter, in comes Marion Mushet runnin' bare foot and bare legit, wi' bleart cheeks, and a watery nose, cursing and banning, greeting and flyting.

Marion enters, crying, An whar's John.

His mither answers, Indeed his out in the yard powing kail runts.

Mar. A black end on a him an his runts baith, for he's ruin'd me an my bairn.

Mit. Ruin'd you! it canna be; he never did you ill, nor said you ill, be night nor be day, what gars you say that?

Mar. O woman! our Jenny is a rowing like a pack o' woo; indeed she's wi' quick bairn, and your John is the father o't.

Mit. Our John the father o't! had, there enough said, lying lown, I trow our John was ne'er guilty o' sic a sinfu' action: Daft woman, I true it'll be but wind that hoves up in the lassie's wame, she'll hae drunken some sour drink like raw sowens, or rotten milk that mak's her sae.