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Part II.
The wonderful works of our John.

Maggy's mither wi' the ladle, swearing she was the mither of a' the mischief that happened, uncle Rabby ran in between them, he having a great long nose like a trumpet, she recklessly came o'er his lobster neb a drire wi' the ladle till the blood sprang out an ran down his auld grey beard, and hang like snuffy bubbles at it: O! then he gaed wood, and looked as waefu' like, as he had been a tod lowrie come frae worrying the lambs wi' his bloody mouth. Wi' that he gets an auld flail, and rives awa' the supple, then drives them a' to the back o' the door, but yet nane wan out; then wi' chirten and chappen, down comes the clay hallen and the hen bawk wi' Rab Reid the fiddler, who had crept up aside the hens for the preservation of his fiddle.

Ben comes the bride when she got on her coat, clappet Rabby's shoulder, and bade him spare their lives, for there is blood enough shed in ae night, quoth she; and that my beard can witness. quoth he. So they all came in obedience to uncle Rabby, for his supple made their pows baith saft and fair that night; but daft Maggy Simpson sat by the fire and picked banes a' the time o' the battle; indeed, quoth she, I think you're a' fools but mysel; for I came here to get a good supper, and ither fouk has gotten their skin well pait.

By this time up got John the bridegroom, that was Jockey before he was married, but cou'dna get his breeks; yet wi' a horse-nail he tacked his sark tail between his legs, that nane might see what every body should hide, and rampingly he cries, Settle ye, or I'll gar my uncle settle ye, and fasten your heads wi' my auld supple.

Poor Rab Reid the fiddler took a sudden blast, some said he was maw-turn'd wi' the fa', for he bocked up a' the barley, and then gar'd the ale go like a rain-bow frae him, as brown as wort-brose.

The hurly-burly being ended, and naething but fair words an' shaking o' hands, which was a sure sign