Page:Wittgenstein - Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus, 1922.djvu/195

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(Note : Numbers in parentheses refer to paragraphs. Thus "6.211 (2)" indicates the second paragraph of section 6.211.)

A priori

all inference is, 5.133
always proves to be something logical, 6.3211
criterion of such a thought, 3.04
geometry is, 6.35 (1)
intuitions, scientific principles as, 6.34
no part of experience is, 5.634
possibility of a logical form as, 6.33
what logic's being, consists in, 5.4731

Accident, none in logic, 2.012

Aesthetics, 6.421 (3)

Affirmation, logical property of, 6.231 (1)

Alphabet, 4.016 (2)

Ambiguity, of "property" and other words, 4.123 (3)

Analysis of propositions, 2.0201, 3.201, 3.25, 4.221 (1)

"Ambulo," a composite proposition, 4.032 (2)

Analytical propositions, 6.11

Application, successive

defined, 5.2521 (1)
equivalent to "and so on", 5.2523


function cannot be its own, 3.333 (1)
places, and generality, 4.0411 (2)


and deducibility, 5.124 (1)
cannot give a sense, 4.064

Assertion sign, meaningless, 4.442 (2)

Atomic facts (Sachverhalt)

are combinations of things, 2.01, 2.03
are mutually independent, 2.061, 2.062, 4.27 (2)
number of combinations of, 4.27 (1)
possible infinity of, 4.2211
possibility of, 2.012, 2.0124
possibility of occurrence of things in, 2.0121 (2)
relation to elementary propositions, 4.21, 4.25
relation to facts, 2
relation to propositions, 4.1
structure of, 2.032

Axiom of Infinity, 5.535 (2, 3)

Axiom of Reducibility, 6.1232, 6.1233

Brackets, their importance, 5.461


not an experiment, 6.2331 (2)
of logical properties of symbols, 6.126 (i)
  1. The Editor is indebted to Professor Max Black for providing this Index, which was originally prepared for the use of his students at Cornell University.
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