Page:Wittgenstein - Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus, 1922.djvu/196

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Case, the (der Fall)

and substance, 2.024
and the world, 1
equated with fact, 2
is existence of atomic facts, 2

Causality: no causal nexus, 5.136. 5.1361

Causality, law of

as limit of the describable, 6.362
cannot be said, 6.36 (2)
is form of a law, 6.32, 6.321, 6.361


as limiting case of probability, 5.152 (3)
of truth of tautology, 4.464 (1)
opposed to possibility and impossibility, 4.464 (2)

Clarity: everything can be said and thought clearly, 4. 116

Classes, theory of, superfluous in mathematics, 6.031 (1)

Colloquial language. See Ordinary language


a form of objects, 2.0251
logical structure of, 6.3751

"Complex," a formal concept, 4.1272 (7, 8)


and definition, 3.24 (4)
given only by descriptions, 324 (2)
how perceived, 5.5423
propositions about, in internal relation to a statement about constituents, 3.24 (1)
statements about, analysable, 2.0201

Configuration of objects, 2.0272, 3.21. (See also Structure)

Constant : expression as, 3.312 (2)

Contradiction. (See also Denial)

defined, 4.46 (4)
limiting case of combination of symbols, 4.466 (4)
not a picture of reality, 4.462
shared by propositions, 5.143


between objects and picture elements, 2.13
of configuration of simple signs and objects, 3.21

Darwinian theory, irrelevant to philosophy, 4.1122

Death, 6.431, 6.4311


and identity, 5. 141
and obviousness, 5.1363
and relative content, 5.14
and structure, 5.13
relation to form, illustrated, 5.1311 (1)


as analysis, 3.26
as rule of translation, 3.343
effect upon signification, 3.261 (1)
how symbolized, 4.241 (3)
of a symbol for a complex, 3.24 (4)
'complete analysis' (of proposition), 3.201
of 'contradiction', 4.46 (4)
of 'expression', 3.31 (1)
of 'feature', 4.1221
of 'form', 2.033
of 'form of an object', 2.0141
of 'form of representation', 2.151
of 'formal concept', 4.126 (1)
of 'formal series', 4.1252 (1)
of 'independent propositions', 5.152 (1)
of 'logical picture', 2.181
of 'logical place', 3.41
of 'measure of probability', 515
of 'name', 3.202