Page:Wittgenstein - Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus, 1922.djvu/201

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of facts, cannot be represented, 4.0312 (2)
possibility in, 5.473 (2)
precedes every experience, 5.552 (2)
"primitive propositions " of, arbitrary in number, 6.1271
problems of, concrete, (2)
process and result equivalent in, 6.1261
proof in, 6.126 (2-4), 6.1262
propositions of, say nothing, 5.43 (2)
reflects the world, 6.13 (1)
role of postulation in, 6.1223
searches for regularity, 6.3
simplicity of, 5.4541
whole philosophy of, 6.113
why called theory of forms, 6.1224
"zero-method" in, 6.121 (2)

Logical, equated with formal, 6.12 (1)

Logical constants

disappearance of, 5.441
do not represent, 4.0312 (2)
only one of them, 5.47 (4),
there are none, 5.4

Logical coordinates, as determining logical place, 3.41

Logical forms, are anumerical, 4.128 (1)

Logical grammar, 3.325 (1) (See also Logical syntax)

"Logical objects", there are no, 4.441, 5.4

Logical place (See also Logical space)

denial as determining, 4.0641
proposition determines one, 42 (1)
relation to propositional sign and logical coordinates, 3.41

Logical properties of propositions, demonstrated by producing tautologies, 6.121

Logical propositions

as forms of a proof, 6.1264 (1)
as modus ponens, 6.1264 (2)
connection with the world of, 6.124
dispensable, 6.122
have a peculiar place among all propositions, 6.112
have equal rank, 6.127 (1)
not confirmable by experience, 6.1222
not distinguished by generality, 6.1231 (1)
present the scaffolding of the world, 6.124
their truth discernible in the symbol, 6.113
"treat" of nothing, 6.124

Logical space {See also Logical place)

and the world, 1.13
everything is in, 2.013
facts in, 1.13
given with every proposition, 3.42 (1)
pictures present facts in, 2.11, 2.202
place in, determined by proposition, 3.4

Logical syntax

and rules of translation, 3.344
implies all logical propositions, 6.124
meanings of signs plays no role in. 3.33
need for obeying, 3.325 (1)
rules of, 3.334


has no need for theory of classes, 6.031 (1)
intuition in, place of, 6.233
is a logical method 6.2 (1), 6.234