Page:Wittgenstein - Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus, 1922.djvu/202

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Mathematics — continued

method of, working with equations, 6.234 (1)
no accidental generality in, 6.031 (2)
proof in, significance of, 6.232 (1)
propositions of
all self-evident, 6.234 (1)
are equations, 6.2 (2)
as links in inference, 6.211
express no thoughts, 6.21
show logic of the world, 6.22
uses method of substitution, 6.24 (1)

Mauthner, 4.0031


its generality, 6.3432
nature of, 6.343
relation to logic, 6.342

Microcosm, the, 5.63


of names, 3.3
of primitive signs, 3.263

Modus Ponens, 6.1264 (2)


and number of dimensions of signs, 5.474
and symbol for generality, 4.0411 (3)
cannot be represented, 4.04 (1)
the same in the proposition and the state of affairs represented, 4.04

Mystical, the, 6.44, 6.45, 6.522


are primitive signs, 3.26
are simple signs, 3.202
are simple symbols, 4.24 (1)
are unanalysable, 3.26
cannot be defined, 3.261 (2)
cannot express sense, 3.142
dispensable in describing the world, 5.526
elementary proposition a connexion of 4.22
have meaning only in context of proposition, 3.3
how they occur in propositions, 4.23
index of, 5.02 (i)
no composition essential, 3.3411
resemble points, 3.144 (2)
the " real ", 33411
variable, 3.314 (2)

Natural sciences

are the totality of true propositions, 4. i (1)
do not include philosophy, 4.111

Necessity: only logical necessity, 6.37

Negation (See Denial)

Negation (= Simultaneous denial)

introduced, 5.5
symbolized, 5.502

Newtonian mechanics, 6.341, 6.342 (2)

Nonsense (Unsinn)

examples of, 5.5303, 5.5351 (2)
impossible to judge, 5. 5422

Nonsensical, logical propositions not, 4.461 (1)

Notation (See also Language)

arbitrariness of, 3.342
essence of, 3.342
"Number", a formal concept, 4.1272 (7, 8)


concept of, 6.022
concept of equality of, 6.1022 (3)
general form of, 6.022 (1), 6.03


as exponents of operation, 6.021
definitions of, 6.02
ordered by internal relation, 4.1252 (2)

"Object", a pseudo-concept, 4.1272 (1)