Page:Woman's who's who of America, 1914-15.djvu/320

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��search Bureau since 1910. Favors woman suf- frage; mem. Collegiate Equal Suffrage League. GOLDSBOROUGH, Eleonora G. (Mrs. Charles B. Goldsborough), 131 Woodland Av.. New Ro- chelle, N.Y.

Born Clearspring, Washington Co., Md. ; dau. Rev. Johann and Sarah E. (Goldsborough) von Winter; grad. of Bishop Doane's School, St. Mary's Hall, Burlington, N.J. ; m. Easton, Md., Jan. 9, 1878, Dr. Charles B. Goldsborough, sur- geon U.S. Marine Hospital Service; children: Howes, Charles B., Frederick Earl, Irwin Howes. Especially interested in Waverly House, a house for young girls who are on probation (under Miss Maude E. Minor), and in all mat- ters relating to helpfulness for moral, as well as temporal betterment of girls and boys. Against woman suffrage. Episcopalian. Mem. United Daughters of the Confederacy; D.A.R. (registrar of Manhattan Chapter) ; Patriotic Women of America; Soc. of Graduates of St. Mary's Hall; N.Y. Chapter Daughters of St. Mary's Hall; Maryland Soc. of Colonial Dames, Washington's Headquarters Ass'n. Clubs: Woman's Forum, Pure Milk League (N.Y. City), Woman's Club of NeTV Rochelle.

GOLDSMITH, Anna Rowena, Wallcourt, Aurora- on-Cayuga, N.Y.

Educator; b. Palmyra, N.Y., July 1, 1863; dau. Allen Thomas and Caroline (Lakey) Goldsmith; ed. by governess. Palmyra Classical School and Wells Coll., '84. Instructor in English and his- tory. All Saints School, Sioux Falls, S.Dak., 1890-96; teacher in Wells Preparatory School, Aurora, 1899-1901. Assumed direction and man- agement of school in spring of 1901, by reason of the death of the founder and first principal, Sarah Ludlow Yawger; by successive steps the school was advanced from Wells School to "Wallcourt, Miss Goldsmith's School," its pres- ent official title. Mem. York Club (N.Y. City), Century Club (Rochester), Owasco Country Club (Auburn, N.Y.). Mem. Exec. Com. St Paul's Church, Aurora. Episcopalian. Pro- gressive in politics.

GOLDSMITH, Evelyn M., Whittier Hall, 1230 Amsterdam Av., N.Y. City. Teacher of crippled children; b. Binghamton, N.Y. ; dau. I. I. Goldsmith (deceased) and Sophia (Harrison) Goldsmith; ed. Ethical Cul- ture Kindergarten, Normal Course; grad. Lady Jane Grey School (Binghamton), one year at Cornell and Summer Session, 'Teachers Coll., N.Y., B.S.; Columbia Univ., A.M. Was appoint- ed by Board of Education in 1906 to organize the East Side School for Crippled Children un- der the public school system; appointed by Board of Education under Moseley Com. to ob- serve schools for crippled children abroad (report published by Comm'r of Education); organized the Ass'n of Public School Teachers of Crippled Children (was pres. ; now hon. pres. and founder); organized socs. for a seaside home for crippled children (pres.); devotes time In seeking trades for older crippled children and securing positions for them. Author: Schools for Crippled Children Abroad; The Place of the Crippled Children in the Public School System; The Education of Crippled Chil- dren (historical and illustrated). Mem. Order of True Sisters, City Federation of Women's Clubs (read paper at Ithaca before N.Y. State Con- vention. Recreations: Golf, dancing, horseback riding. Leader Mandolin Club, Whittier Hall; takes part in plays. Jewess (mem. Dr. Stephen Wise's Free Synagogue). Favors woman suf- frage.

GOLDZIEB, Jnlia (Mrs. Charles Goldzier), 26 E. 45th St., Bayonne, N.J. Private secretary; b. Austria, Jan., 1863; dau. Julius and Caroline (WehJe) Oberbauer; ed. Doual Inst., public school. Normal Class Art School, Cooper Inst., Acad, of Design, Christian Science Class (all in N.Y. City); m. N.Y. City, Nov., 1881, Charles Goldzier; children: two girls and a boy. Founded and developed the cult of the Unity of the Sciences, Spiritual and Politi- cal; author of its text-book of the same name. Author: The At-One-Ment of Christian Science and Single Tax; Policewomen, a pamphlet;

��Unity of the Sciences, Spiritual and Political, an essay. Clubs: Manhattan Single Tax, Twilight, Sunrise, Equal Justice League of Bayonne, N.J. ; Nat. Federation of Theatre Clubs. Favors woman suSrage.

GOODALE, Dora Read, Redding, Conn.

Writer and teacher; b. Mt. Washington, Mass., 1866; dau. Henry Sterling and Dora Hill (Read) Goodale; ed. largely at home and boarding school in N.Y. City, Smith Coll. School of Fine Arts (grad.). Teacher of art and English litera- ture, Sanford School, Redding Ridge, Conn. Favors woman suffrage. Joint author (with Elaine Goodale): Apple Blossoms; In Berkshire with Wild Flowers; All Round the Year; con- tributor to the Atlantic, Century and other magazines and periodicals. Episcopalian. Rec- reations: Reading, cross-country walking, theatre.

GOODALE, Grace Harriet, Barnard College, N.Y.


Lecturer in classical philology at Barnard Coll. ; b. Potsdam, N.Y., Jan. 13, 1872; dau. Lucius Lane and Myra (Boynton) Goodale; ed. Potsdam State Normal School; Barnard ColL; Columbia Univ., A.B. '99. Author of various verses, short stories and essays. Baptist. Recreations: Camp- ing, cooking, reading, gardening, talking.

GOODBAR, Luan Joy (Mrs. Alvan B. Good- bar), 3953 Westminister Place, St. Louis, Mo. Bom Bolivar, Tenn. ; dau. Levi and Mary

Frances (Hill) Joy; m. Little Rock, Ark., Sept.

9, 1879, Alvan B. Goodbar; children: Alvan Joy,

b. Nov. 22, 18S3; Virginia Joy, b. Jan. 12, 1893.


GOODCELL, Marion Lamson (Mrs. Henry Good- cell), 864 D St., San Bernardino, Ca!. Bom Worcester, Mass., Apr. 13, 1872; dau. Charles Marion and Helena F. (Bridgman) Lam- son; ed. St. Johnbury, Vt., Acad., Smith Coll., A.B. '93; m. Auburndale, Mass., Sept. 3, 1906, Robert E. Matthews (died Apr., 1908); 2d, Hemet, Cal., June 28, 1911, Henry Goodcell. For three years managed a 20-acre walnut ranch which she OTvns. Private tutor before marriage, and writer for Warner Library and other compila- tions. Mem. Southern Cal. Ass'n of Coll. Alum- nas. Mem. San Bernardino Woman's Club. Rec- reations: Piano, vocal music, language study.

GOODELL, Nettie Delilah, Sedgwick, Kan.

Born Viroqua, Wis., June 20, 1868; dau. H. and Eunice A. (Hubbard) Goodell; ed. Kan. State Univ., B.S. (Phi Beta Kappa). Active in church and Sunday-school work of the Congregational Church. Has been sup't of the Sunday-school 12 years; sec. of the County Sunday-school Ass'n five years; pres. Fourteenth Dis't Christian En- deavor Union two years. Favors woman suffrage.

GOODEN, Harriet Comegys (Mrs. William T.

Gooden), Lawrenceburg, Ind.

Born Livonia, Ind., Sept. 12, 1863; dau. John and Nancy G. (Scanland) Frazer; ed. public schools of Paoli, Ind.; m. Paoli, Ind., Sept. 5, 1SS4, William T. Gooden; one son: Earle P. Gooden. Mem. Ladies' Aid Soc, Presbyterian Missionary Soc. Clubs: Erthstane, Review, St. Cecilia. Recreation: Croquet. Presbyterian. Favors woman suffrage.

GOODING, Edith, 12 College St., Brockport,


School principal; grad. Smith Coll., B.A. '86. Teacher, Batavia, N.Y., 18S7-S8; New Britain (Conn.) State Normal School, 1888-89; principal Classical School, Canandaigua, N.Y., 1892-1903; now principal Brockport Classical School. Mem. Smith Coll. Alumnae Ass'n.

GOODLOE, Abbie Carter, Louisville, Ky., and

Summit, N.J.

Writer; b. Versailles, Ky., Jan. 15, 1867; dau. John Kemp and Mary L. (Shouse) Goodloe; ed. Louisville public schools, Wellesley preparatory school of Philadelphia, Wellesley Coll., Paris and Tours, France (mem. Shakespeare Soc, Welles- ley). Favors woman suffrage. Author: College Girls; Calaert of Strothors; At the Foot of the Rockies; The Star-Gazer. Christian. Mem. Wednesday Afternoon Club of N.Y. City and Women's University Club of N.Y. City.

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