Page:Woman's who's who of America, 1914-15.djvu/321

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��GOODMAN, Grace Hastlngrs Griswold (Mrs.

William Austin Goodman), The Haydock, East

Walnut Hills, Cincinnati, Ohio.

Born Jan. 19, 1854, Hartford, Conn.; dau. Hezekiah and Frances Norton (Welles) Gris- wold; ed. private schools; m. June 11, 1873, William Austin Goodman; one son: William. Rec. sec. of the Fresh Air Soc; rec. sec. of the Cincinnati Kindergarten Ass'n; mem. Maternity Soc. Rec. sec. Colonial Dames in the State of Ohio; mem. Soc. of Colonial Governors, Soc. of Daughters of Founders and Patriots, D.A.R., Soc. for Preservation of Am. Antiquities, Cincinnati Woman's Club. Episcopalian. Against woman

��GOODMAN. Marie Louise, 4000 Warwick Boule- vard, Kansas City, Mo.

Born Kansas City, Mo., Oct. 1871; dau. L. A. and E. (Parker) Goodman; grad. Univ. of Mich., Ph.B. '95 (Gamma Phi Beta). Has been sec. Woman's Alliance and sup't Sunday-school; now sec. Board of Trustees All Souls' Unitarian Church. Ass't sec. Mo. State Horticultural Soc, 1896-1906; mem. Kansas City Athenasum (woman's club) — pres. 1908-10; sec. Kansas City Athenajum Club House Co., 1910-11; pres. K.C. Branch of Ass'n Collegiate Alumnae; vice-pres. at large Mo. Fed. of Women's Clubs. Unitarian. Favors woman suffrage. GOODNIGHT, Ella Hoy (Mrs. I. H. Goodnight),

Franklin, Ky.

Born Simpson Co., Ky. ; dau. Thomas J. and Lucy L. (Milliken) Hoy; grad. Franklin Female Coll., A.B.. also graduate in music; m. Frank- lin, Ky., Mar. 12, 1879, Hon. I. H. Goodnight; one son: Isaac Hoy. Presbyterian. Democrat. Clubs: Current Topic, Wednesday Afternoon, Music. Mem. Franklin Female Coll. Alumnae. GOODRICH, Alice Lyman (Mrs. Nathaniel L.

(ioodiich), Hanover, N.H.

Born Waverly, N.Y., July 8, 1877; dau. Moses and Sarah H. (Beebe) Lyman; ed. Waverly High School, 1892-96; Smith Coll., B.L. '99; N.Y. State Library School, 1899-1901, B.L.S. '05; m. Albany, N.Y., July 30, 1908, Nathaniel L. Goodrich. Served as assistant In Traveling Libraries Dep't of N.Y. State Library, 1901-08. Presbyterian. Recreations: Walking, camping, mountain climb- ing. GOODRICH, Florence A. (Mrs. A. J. Goodrich),

20 Avenue Victor Hugo, Paris, France.

Professional musician; b. N.Y. City; dau. Azel and Sarah (Parker) Backus; ed. N.Y. City, chiefly under private tutors; m. N.Y. City, 1875, A. J. Goodrich Has taught music many years in N.Y. City, and in Chicago (Sherwood School). With her husband, Mr. A. J. Goodrich, the au- thoi;, theorist and educator, Is successfully en- gaged In Introducing their special method of musical education in Paris. Composer of piano pieces, and studies for young players. Chris- tian Scientist. Favors woman sutfrage. GOODRICH, Josephine Jolley (Mrs. Clinton

Burr Goodrich), Apartado, 154, Guantanamo,


Born Newark, N.J. ; dau. Joseph Pisk and Irene (Brown) Jolley; ed. Newark High School, Smith Coll., A.B. ; m. Newark, N.J., June 29, 1904, Clinton Burr Goodrich; one daughter: Irene Burr, b. Aug. 23, 1909. Teacher before marriage in Newark (N.J.) public and high schools. Episcopalian.

GOODRICH, Julia Irene, Station for Experi- mental Evolution, Cold Spring Harbor, Long

Island, N.Y.

Secretary; b. Hinsdale, Mass., June 17, 1874; dau. Henry L. and Elizabeth (Bingham) Good- rich; ed. Springfield (Mass.) High School; Smith Coll., B.A. '97. Teacher, Brattleboro, Vt., 1899- 1900; principal Higganum (Conn.) public school, 1901-03; private teacher, Bement, 111., 1903-04; master's ass't, Bryn Mawr, Pa.; since 1906 busi- ness sec. and sec. of the Station for Experimen- tal Evolution of the Carnegie Institution of Washington at Cold Spring Harbor, L.I. Unoffi- cially connected with the Biological Laboratory of the Brooklyn Inst, of Arts and Sciences. Mem. A.A.A.S., Smith Coll. Alumnae Ass'n. Recreations: Reading, sailing.

��GOODRICH, Lucy Leonora Hntchlnson (Mr«.

George Goodrich), 505 Willow St., Syracuie,


Retired school teacher; b. Onondaga Hill, July 2, 1831; dau. Orin and Susan B. (West) Hutchin- son; ed. Acad. Onondaga Valley, Miss Brad- bury's Sem., Syracuse, N.Y.; m. Onondaga Hill, July 6, 1S53, George Goodrich; children: Charles Alexander (died), Chas. Hutchinson (died), Nel- lie Charlotte Goodrich (Barker). Author: Flora of Central New York; also many papers on Na- ture Studies, Historic Botany, Poisonous Plants, and many others; read publicly In Buffalo and Utica and before Am. Historic Ass'n, and Syra- cuse Botanical Club. Mem. Onondaga Historic Ass'n (director, librarian, custodian), Acad, of Sciences, Chautauqua Ass'n, Syracuse Rose Soc., Soldiers' Relief Corps, May Memorial Alliance, Nat. Geographic Soc. Mem. Political Equality Club, Syracuse Council of Clubs; pres. Syracuse Botanical Club. Unitarian. Favors woman suffrage.

GOODRICH, Sarah B. Clapp (Mrs. Chauncey

Goodrich), Fungchu, China.

Missionary; b. Wauwautosa, Wis.; grad. Rock- ford (111.) Sem. (now college), 1877; m. Kalgan, China, 1880, Rev. Chauncey Goodrich, D.D. ; four children; one soi, and one daughter now living. Taught in Rockford Sem., 1877-79; went as missionary to China in 1880, living at Kalgan until her marriage, since then at Fungchu, near Peking, where her husband later became dean of the Tbeological Seminary. The schools, churches and homes of the missionaries were all destroyed during the siege of Peking In 1900, but several societies united in building a union college with medical, theological and women's college de- partments. Active in missionary work and in the movement for the abolition of foot bLndiog. Has crossed the Pacific six times.

GOODSELL, Josephine Bateham (Mrs. Evander J. Goodsell), 52 W. Main St., Norwalk. Ohio. Artist; b. Columbus, O. ; dau. M. B. and Jose- phine (Penfield) Bateham; grad. Oberlin Coll.; studied in Art Students' League, N.Y., and with Kenyon Cox (mem. .<Elioaian Soc.) ; m. Patnes- ville, O., 1881, Dr. Evander J. Goodsell. Designer of stained glass windows. Has designed three memorial windows at different times in N.Y. City. Presbyterian.

GOODWTN, Grace Duffield (Mrs. F. J. Goodwin), 1605 Irving St., N.W., Washington, D.C. Writer, lecturer; b. Adrian, Mich., Oct. 2, 1869; dau. Rev. Samuel W. and Harriet S. (Hay- ward) DufBeld; ed. Bishopthorpe Sem., S. Beth- lehem, Pa. ; additional courses at Pembroke (Brown Univ.); m. Nov. 11, 1891, Rev. Frank Judson Goodwin; children: Mary Duffield, Faith Holloway. Interested in Anti-Suffrage Ass'n work, Bible Study work, all missionary work, work for emigrants and young girls. Author: Anti-Suffrage — Ten Good Reasons; Horizon Songs — poems. Mem. Washington Literary Soc, Rhode Island Short Story Club. Congregationalist. Against woman suffrage; pres. District of Colum- bia Anti-Suffrage Ass'n; mem. of exec. com. Nat. Anti-Suffrage Ass'n.

GOODUIN, Mary Elizabeth de Pencicr (Mrs.

Richard Goodwin), Spencerville, Ont., Can.

Registered nurse; b. Burritt's Rapids, Can., Sept. 10, 1857; dau. T. W. and Ann (Carroll) de Pencler; ed. public school, Marlborough; private school, Kemptville; Bishop Strachan's, Toronto; Kingston Gen. Hospital Training School for Nurses; grad. 1895 with honors and first class; registered nurse State of N.Y., 1905; m. Oshawa, Ont., Feb. 22, 1911, Richard Goodwin. Sup't Infants' Home and Hospital, Beechgrove Hos- pital, Kingston; sup't Gen. Hospital, Belleville, Ont.; St. Luke's Hospital, Newburgh, N.Y.; and Aultman Memorial Hospital, Canton, O. ; followed profession of nursing for 18 years. Against woman suffrage. Anglican. Mem. Ohio Graduate Nurses Ass'n, Women's Inst. Drew plan and had oversight of building a $10,000 op- erating suite erected by Mrs. M. C. Barber, In connection with the Aultman Memorial Hospi- tal, at Canton, O.

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