Page:Woman's who's who of America, 1914-15.djvu/748

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Jan. 28, 1897, Edgar Burr Jr., b. Apr. 14, 1900. Unitarian. Pres. Woman's Club of Brattle- boro, Vt.

SMITH, Jennie Merrylees, Waterville, Me. Librarian; b. Waterville, 1861; dau. Samuel King and Annie E. (Abbot) Smith; grad. Colby Coll., Waterville, A.B. (Phi Beta Kappa) '81 (mem. Sigma Kappa). Baptist. Mem. F. H. Club. Ass't librarian of Waterville Public Li- brary.

SMITH. Jessie Willcox, "Cogslea," Gowan and McCallum Sts., Chestnut Hill, Philadelphia, Pa. Artist and illustrator; b. Philadelphia; dau. Charles Henry and Katherine DeWitt (Willcox) Smith: general education in schools of Phila- Helphia, art studies under IIoward Pyle in the Drexel Inst, and at Pa. Acad. of Fine Arts. As Hustrator has done much work for ladies' Home Journal, Woman's Home Compan:on. Harper's, Scribner's, and other magazines; also book illus- tration for Little, Brown & Co. and Houghton, Mifflin & Co., Boston. SMITH, Josephine Tatnall (Mrs. J. Ernest Smith), 1012 Jefferson St., Wilmington, Del. Born Wilmington, Del., July 8, 1854; dau. Henry Lea and Caroline (Gibbons) Tatnall; m. Wilmington, Del., Sept. 11, 1877; one daughter: Rebecca Gibbons. Pres. New Century Club Cor- poration of Wilmington, Del.; sec. and treas. Public Archives Commission of Del.; asso. mem. Archives Commission of Am. Historical Ass'n; mem. and genealogist Nat. Soc. of Colonial Dames in State of Del. Against woman suf- frage. Presbyterian. Mem. Transatlantic Soc. of America, New Century Club of Wilmington, and of several philanthropic and musical organi- zations. SMITII, Julia Holmes (Mrs Sabin Smith), Wis- consin Hotel, Chicago, IL Physician; b. Savannah, Ga., Dec. 23, 1839; dau. Willis and Margaret Manning (Turner) Hoimes; grad. Spingler Inst., N.Y. City, 1857; student Boston Univ. School of Medicine, 1873-75; Chicago Homœopathic Coll., M.D. '77; In. (1st) New Haven, Conn., 1860, Waldo Abbot (died 1864); one son: Willis John Abbot (well-known journal- Est and author); m. (2d) 1872, Sabin Smith, of New London, Conn. Since 1877 in ined. practice in Chicago; prof. gynecology in Nat. Med. Coll.; organized and was first pres. of Woman's Med. Ass'n; mem. Am. Inst. of Homoeopathy, Acad. of Medicine, Ill. State Med. Ass'n, Cook County Homeopathic Med. Ass'n. After women wero given school franchise in Ill. became candidate, nominated on Democratic ticket, for trustee of Univ. of Ill.; appointed by Gov. Altgeld to fill unexpired term, thus becoming the first woman member of the Board of Univ. Trustees of III. Has ectured on medical and other subjects. Fa- vors woman suffrage. Contributor to newspapers and magazines; was at one time editor of the Woman's Page of the Chicago Times. Congre- ationalist. Democrat. Meni. II. Women's Press Ass'n, Fortnightly Club (ex-sec.), Wom- au's Club of Chicago (pres. six years), Twen- tieth Century Club. SMITH, Katharine Ware (Mrs. George Milton Smith), 32 Dorchester Av., Boston, Mass. Social worker; grad. Smith Coll., B.L. '94; m. Boston, June 15, 1898, George Milton Smith; chil- dren: Alice Holdship, b. Mar. 27, 1899; Edmund Ware, b. Dec. 10, 1900; George Milton Jr., b. Mar. 10, 1902. Teacher Hartford, Conn., 1894-95; office worker for editor, New England Magazine, 1896- 97; housekeeper Denison House, college settle- ment, Boston, 1897-98; Northern sec. for Atlanta (Ga.) Univ., 1904-06; executive sec., N.Y. Public Education Ass'n, 1906-07. Social work, Boston public schools, 1907-09. SMITII, Lanta Wilson (Mrs. C. Harley Smith), 193 Hempstead St., New London, Conn. Writer; b. Castine, Me. dau. Rev. William J. and Sedelia (Follett) Wilson; ed. In public schools; m. Shopiere, Wis., 1880, Rev. C. Hariey Smith. From girlhood contributor in prose and verse to religious and secular publications. Spe- clally well-known as writer of hymns, Sunday- school songs and cantatas. Author among many others of "Scatter Sunshine," "This, Too, Will Pass Away," and other popular Gospel hymns. Author: Wreaths of Remembrance (niemoi!al verses). Methodist. Mem. International Sun- shine Society of N.Y. City. SMITH, Laura Rountree, Platteville, Wis. Author; b. Chicago, Ill., July, 1876; dau. George Potts and Laura (Rountree) Smith; grad. Platte- ville Normal School, June, 1897. Became depart- ment editor in Kindergarten Primary Magazine and the Musical Observer in 1912, Teachers' Magazine, 1913. Favors woman suffrage. Author: Tale of Bunny Cotton-Tail; Little Eskimo; Little Bear; Hawk Eye; The Circus Book; The Roly- Poly Book; Games and Plays; Primary Language and Year Book; Thirty Musical Games and Recreations for Young Musicians. Regular con- tributor to the Musician and most of the leading teachers' magazines; occasional contributor to the Youths' Companion. SMITH, Lillian Church (Mrs. Ernest Ellsworth Smith), 50 E. Forty-first St., N.Y. City. Artist; b. Middletown, Conn., 1865; dau. Rollin Rodman and Elbertine Louisa (Abel) Church; ed. Middletown schools; grad. high school, '84; spe- cial student art dep't, Teachers Coll., Columbia Univ. m. 1890, Dr. Ernest Ellsworth Smith; one son: Harold Ellsworth. Sec. Brooklyn Soc. Mineral Painters, 1910-11; a founder and treas, 1911-12, of Keramic Soc. of Greater N.Y. Episco- palian. Recreations: Golf, driving, gardening. Mem. Pen and Brush Club, N.Y. City. SMITH, Lillian Scoresby, Agnes Scott College, Decatur, Ga. of Professor of Latin; b. Ellenville, N.Y.; dau. George Halstead and Clara Louisa (Beardsley) Smith; ed. Wyoming Sem. (valedictorian class); Syracuse Univ., A.B. (Phi Beta Kappa); Cornell Univ., Ph.D. (mem. Gamma Phi Beta, Syracuse Univ.). Head of Latin dep't of Agnes Scott Coll., Decatur, Ga., 1905-. Against wom- an suffrage. Methodist Episcopal. Coll. Alumnæ%; second vice-pres. Southern Ass'n of College Women. Mem. Ass'n Ga. branch SMITH, Lizzie Williams (Mrs. Charles William Smith), Stockton, Kan. Court reporter; b. Shelby Co., Ill., Jan. 9, 1853; dau. Dr. R. L. and Mary (Hume) Williams; grad. Kan State Univ., A.B. '76%; with first honors, A.M. '06; m. Mar. 27, 1880, Charles William Smith; children: Solon Williams, Hazel Kirke (Sutton), Henry Hume, Katharine O'Don- nell, Frances Mildred, Charles William Jr. Active in missionary and Sunday-school work; mem. Study Club, Kansas Day Club (State organizations); vice-pres. 6th District Kansas State Equal Suffrage Ass'n; took active part in Suffrage Amendment campaign in Kansas, 1912. Congregationalist. Republican. Mem. W.C.T.U. and Missionary Soc. SMITH, Lois Ellen, Echo, Oregon. State sec. Oregon Loyal Temperance Legion; b. Somanauk, Ill.; dau. Melville and Ella (Reed) Smith; grad. Rockford Coll., '89. Public school teacher four years in Ill; eight years in Neb.; three years missionary in Utah under the Woman's Home Missionary Soc. of the Metho- dist Church; four years one of the officers of State W.C.T.U. in Ore. Methodist. Prohibition- ist. Favors woman suffrage; as officer of Ore. W.C.T.U. took active interest speaking and sing- ing in the campaign for suffrage, 1912, in which the women won the fight. SMITH, Lottie Millard (Mrs. Alson I. Smith). Wauwatosa, Wis. Born Lake Mills, Wis., June 23, 1871; dau. Charles Judson and Evelyn (Aldrich) Millard; grad. Univ. of Wis., B.A. '93; m. Lake Mills, Wis., Oct. 9, 1894, Alson I. Smith; children: Evelyn Janet, Millard Beale, Catherine Lois. Mem. Wauwatosa Woman's Club. Baptist. SMITH, Louie Myers (Mrs. Glenn D. Smith), 422 W. C St., Ontario, Cal. Born Salem, Ore.; dau. Rev. Abram and Eliza- beth (Leffel) Myers; granddaughter of James Leffel of Springfield, O., inventor of the first tur- bine water wheel; ed. Springfield Sem., Spring-