Page:Woman's who's who of America, 1914-15.djvu/749

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��field, O. ; Wittenberg Coll., Springfield, O. ; m. Springfield, O., Dec. 16, 1903, Glenn D. Smith; one son: Roger Leffel, b. Feb. 15, 1905. Against woman suffrage. Episcopalian. Recreations: Golf, music. SMITH, I>ouise Allen (Mrs. Wesley Llnford

Smith), 830 Amberson Av.. Pittsburgh, Pa.

Born Corrv, Pa.; dau. T. A. and Leanore (Wasson) AUen; ed. Wellesley Coll., 1904; m. Corry, Pa., Wesley Linford Smith; children: Agnes Louise, Lynn Allen. Mem. Twentieth Century Club. SMITH, I.oiiise Kirkliuff, 1266 Amsterdam Av.,

N.Y. City.

Normal College instructor; grad. Smith Coll., B.A. '97; student Columbia Univ. (Latin and Greek), 1906-OS, M.A. 'OS. Teacher Susquehanna, Pa., 1898-1900; Danville, N.Y., 1900-06; N.Y. Nor- mal Coll. since 1908. Mem. Smith Coll. Alumnae Ass'n. SMITH, I-ouise Porter (Mrs. Fred Norton

Smith), Mesa, Arizona.

Born Rocltville, Conn., Dec. 19, 1848; dau. John and Louisa (Porter) Martin; ed. Lalce Erie Coll., when it was a seminary; grad. 1869; m. Paines- ville, O., Aug. 18, 1S80, Fred Norton Smith of Elyria; one daughter: Caryl Porter Smith (Mrs. Max. J. Ritterath), b. April 26, 1887. Inter- ested in church and literary work, Bible classes with adults and young men and women; also mission study with a club of 40 young women covering a period of 12 years. Trustee, repre- senting alumna3 of Lake Erie Coll., Painesville, O., 20 years; pres. of the College Alumnae Ass'n 30 years. For eight years edited and published a series of Sabbath-school quarterlies, four grades, published quarterly, under title Outline Bible Studies (work was done in association with her pastor's wife). Congregationalist. Recreations: Country life, traveling. For years mem. of Fortnightly Club (a charter club of Fed. of Women's Clubs); also 26 years mem. of a club of husbands and wives (literary and social). Re- moved, 1913, from Elyria, Ohio, to Arizona. SMIIH, T.ucy Hahn Cimniugham (M.-s. Alfrcl

Franklin Smith), Jackson, Miss.

Bnrn near Columbus, Ohio, Oct. 29, 1871; dau. P. F. and Lucy (King) Cunningham; grad. High School; musical education in New England Con- servatory, Boston; New York City studios and in Europe; traveled extensively; m. Medicine Lodge, Kan., Sept. 20, 1893, Dr. Alfred Franklin Smith, of the Methodist Episcopal Church; children: Lucy Hortense Smith, b. July 11, 1894; Mildred King Smith, b. Aug. 30, 1898. Soloist for choirs in large cities, recitals, oratorios, concerts, musicales, lecture recitals, drawing rooms, Lyceum engagements. World's Fair, etc. Soloist for several years at Washington, D.C., for musicaies and official programs of D.A.R. Has appeared with noted violinists, pianists, etc., of US. and Europe; five years director of Voice Dep't and teacher of advanced pupils in the Central College for Women at Lexington, Mo., where her husband was president. Much Inter- ested in education of young men and women, many of whom have been helped to scholarships or to pay college or conservatory tuitions by her aid; took leading part by her influence and voice in placing a beautiful pipe-organ in the Kirkwood (St. Louis), Mo., Methodist Church. Writer of short stories and travel sketches; Leaves frona. a Tourist's Note Book; From the Spire of Trinity; Florence, the Cradle of the Renaissance; Treasures of the Louvre; Sunshine and Shadow; Eastertide, and many papers on historical and literary subjects; Musical Remi- niscences, etc. Received the prize for article in a Boston magazine on A Young Woman's Educa- tion. Mem. Methodist Episcopal Church South. Mem. D.A.R., Eastern Star, Nat. Soc. of Musi- cians. Mem. National Federation of Music Clubs, Missouri, Oklahoma and Mississippi State Federations, and artist member of other clubs. SMITH, Lura Eugenie Brown (Mrs. Sidney

Smith), 4035 Brooklyn Av., Seattle, Wash.

Writer, prose and verse; b. Rochester, N.Y. ; dau. Leverett Russell and Catharine Ann (Os-

��trander) Brown; m. Little Rock, Ark., Apr. 20, 1892, Sidney Smith (editor Iowa Masonry, Cedar Rapids, la.). Author: On the Track and Off the Train; also Masonic and other poems, short stories, essays and miscellany. Protestant Episcopal. Independent, voted tor Woodrow Wilson, 1912. Favors woman suffrage. Mem. Wash. State Representative League of Am. Pen- women, Am. Acad, of Political and Social Science, Nat. Geographic Soc, D.A.R., Woman's Relief Corps, Order Eastern Star; hon. mem. Ark. Press Ass'n. Co-editor and owner with her husband, Sidney Smith, of the Northwestern Freemason.

SMITH, Lurenda Beverly (Mrs. Malcom F.

Smith), Ottawa, Kan.

Born Bolivar, N.Y., Feb. 26, 1844; dau. Philetus and Lovisa (Mix) Beverly; eJt. public schools of Cook Co., 111.; three years in private school; m. Barrington, 111,, Mar. 13, 1862, Malcom F. Smith; children: Waldo C, P. Beverly, Rufus Way. Served three years as pres. Kan. W.C.T.U. ; nine years as State corr. sec; seven years as sup't Rescue Work Dep't of Nat. W.C.T.U.; counseloi in Am. Purity Fed. of Kan. Mem. Public Wel- fare League, Order Eastern Star, Woman's Re- lief Corps, missionary societies. Clubs: Saturday Afternoon, Columbian. Favors woman suffrage. Prohibitionist.

SMITH, Mabell Shippie Clarke (Mrs. James Ravenel Smith). 39 E. Tenth St., N.Y. Citv. Author; b. Boston, Nov. 11, 1S64:. dau. Edwar(f Augustus May and Frances Dexter (Young) Clarke; grad. Boston Univ., A.B. '87; Univ. ol North Carolina, A.M. '05; elected to Phi Beta Kappa, Boston Univ., 1912; m. (1st) Boston, Oct. 17, 1891, F. Alaric Pelton; (2d) Arden, N.C., Oct. 22, 1907, James Ravenel Smith. Mem School Com., Dedham, Mass., 18S3; sec. Mass Soc. for Univ. Education of Women, 1S92; pres Boston branch Ass'n Coll. Alumnae, 1892; tbirc vice-pres. Southern Ass'n of College Women 1904; acting dean of women, Univ. of Tenn., 1904; on editorial staff The Chautauquan, 1909; assistant editor since July 1, 1910. Mem. D.A.R., Soc. Mayflower Descendants, Soc. Colonial Dames of America, Women's University Club, London. Author: A Tar-Heel Baron, 1903; The Spirit of French Letters, 1912. Editor: Studies in Dickens, 1910; Dickens Day by Day, 1911. Lecturer before women's clubs and Brooklyn Institute.

SMITH, Mrs. Mai Davis, 26 Irving PI., Buf- falo, N.Y.

Concert manager; b. Buffalo, N.Y. ; dau. Thad- deus Clark and Anna M. (Tillinghost) Davis; ed. Buffalo, N.Y. Interested in music and aim is to give Buffalo the best musical attractions, in- cluding orchestras, in the country; first venture was made in 1905 with Paderewski; since then has inaugurated the concert series plan in Buf- falo (fourth consecutive season, 1913). Mem. Chromatic (musical) Club. Episcopalian.

SMITH, Margaret Gary (Mrs. Edward Percy

Smith), Allendale, N.J.

Poultry farmer; b. Batavia, N.Y., Sept. 21, 1881; dau. Trumbull and Grace (Truscott) Gary: ed. Farmington, Conn.; m. Batavia, N.Y., 1909, Edward Percy Smith. Against woman suffrage. Episcopalian. Recreations: Riding, tennis, walk- ing, driving.

SMITH, Margaret Keiver, State Normal School,

New Paltz, N.Y.

Psychologist; b. Amherst, Cumberland Co., Nova Scotia, Can.; dau. Cornelius Reade and Jane (Keiver) Smi'th; grad. with classical diplopia from Oswego State Normal School, N.Y. 'Si; studied in Jena, Thuringen, Germany; University of Gottlngen, Germany; Univ. of Zurich, Switzer- land, Ph.D. 1900; hon. fellow, Clark Univ., Wor- cester, Mass., 1901; special student of philosophy and psychology. Professor psychology. State Normal School, Oswego, N.Y., for nine years. Translated Herbart's Psychology into Euglish. Has written psychological articles in German and English. Lecturer on psychology and geog- rpahy at W.Va. Univ. Summer School three years. Director psychology and logic. State Normal School at New Paltz, N.Y., since 1901.

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