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The Subjection of Women. By J. S. Mill.

On Liberty. By J. S. Mill.

On Representative Government. By J. S. Mill.

Essays and Dissertations (vol. ii.). By J. S. Mill. Article by Mrs. Mill on the Enfranchisement of Women.

Letters. By J. S. Mill. Edited by Hugh Elliot.

Record of Women's Suffrage. By Helen Blackburn.

A Handbook for Women. By Helen Blackburn.

Articles on Women's Rights in Encyclopædia Britannica and in Chambers's Encyclopædia.

The Emancipation of English Women. By W. Lyon Blease.

Questions Relating to Women. By Emily Davies, LL.D.

Women and Labour. By Olive Schreiner.

The Suffragette. By E. Sylvia Pankhurst.

The Status of Women, 1066-1909. By the Misses Wallis Chapman.

Women's Work in Local Government. By Jane E. Brownlow.

The Life of Josephine Butler.

Pioneer Work in Opening the Medical Profession to Women. By Dr. Elizabeth Blackwell.

Women's Suffrage in Many Lands. By Alice Zimmern.

The Englishwoman. By David Staars.

The Women's Franchise Movement in New Zealand. By W. Sidney Smith.

Le Vote des Femmes. Par Ferdinand Buisson, Député de la Seine et Président de la Commission du Suffrage Universel.

Women and Economics. By Charlotte Perkins Gilman.

Common-sense Applied to Women's Suffrage. By Mary Putnam Jacobi, M.D.

Equal Suffrage. By Helen Sumner, Ph.D.

A Short History of Women's Rights. By Eugene Hecker.

Reports of the International Women's Suffrage Alliance.