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Corrupt Practices Act, 29, 30
Creighton, Mrs., 44
Crimean War, the, 14
Cromer, Lord, on Women's Suffrage, 47
Cromwell, on gains by force, 64

Davies, Miss Emily, 20, 21, 22
Demonstrations, public, 76, 86
Despard, Mrs., 63
Disraeli, on Women's Suffrage, 13, 24
Dissenters' Petition, Burke on, 54, 55
Divorce Act, 1857, 15
Dublin, Lord Mayor of, 88n.

Electoral Reform Bill, 1912, 78-82
Elmy, Mrs. Wolstenholme, 22

Fawcett, The Rt. Hon. H., 20, 62
Finland, Women's Suffrage in, 58, 59, 89
Fisher, Mr., on Women's Suffrage, 42
Five Mile Act, 54
Fry, Mrs. Elizabeth, 6

Garrett, Miss Elizabeth, 19, 20, 21
Garrison, William Lloyd, 13
General Election, 1910, 72
Gladstone, Mr., on Divorce Bill, 1857, 15
—— on household suffrage, 25
—— opposition to Reform Bill, 1884, 27
—— on women's political activity, 32
—— on Women's Suffrage, 27, 28, 33
Godwin, William, 5
Goschen, Lord, on agricultural
—— labourers' franchise, 25
Grey, Mrs. William, 22
Grey, Sir Edward, on Women's Suffrage, 72, 76, 81, 82
Guardianship of Children Act, 22
Gurney, Miss, 22
—— Rt. Hon. Russell, 22, 23

Haldane, Lord, on Women's Suffrage, 69, 75, 76
Hall, Sir John, 37, 38
Harrison, Frederic, on powers of the elector, 53
Herschell, Miss Caroline, 12
Hill, Miss Davenport. 20
Household Suffrage, 25, 73, 74, 81
Howard, Mr. G., Adult Suffrage Bill, 1909, 70

Iddesleigh, Lord. See Northcote
Indian Mutiny, 14
Infants' Custody Act, 12
Insurance Bill, the, 57
Isle of Man, Women's Suffrage in, 25

James, Lord, on Corrupt Practices Act, 29, 30
—— on Women's Suffrage, 49, 50
Jameson, Mrs., 12

Kemp, Sir George, Conciliation Bill (1911) introduced by, 24, 77, 85
Knight, Anne, 13

Labouchere, Mr., attitude to Suffrage Bills, 34
Langton, Lady Anna Gore, 20
Leavitt, Mrs., 37
Lees, Mrs., 51
Lloyd George, Mr., on Women's Suffrage, 69, 75, 81
Local Government Qualification of Women's Act, 1907, 49, 50
Lyne, Sir Villiam, on Women's Suffrage, 42
Lytton, Earl of, 7 n, 73, 78, 85

MacDonald, Mr. Ramsay, 80, 81
M'Laren, Mrs. Duncan, 22
McLaren, Mr. Walter, 26
Manchester Guardian, The, on Women's Suffrage, 79
Manhood Suffrage Bill, 1912, 78-82
Markham, Miss Violet, 50, 51
Married Women's Property Act, 22, 23
Martineau, Harriet, 20
Medical profession opened to women, 22
Militant Societies, the, 58
—— election policy of, 67