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Mill, James, on Women's Suffrage, 6, 7, 15
Mill, John Stuart, on enfranchisement of women, 16, 17, 19
—— and Women's Parliamentary Petition, 20
—— Women's Suffrage Amendment Bill, 19, 20, 23
Mill, Mrs. John Stuart, on Enfranchisement of Women, 16, 17
Morley, Viscount, 26, 27, 62
Mott, Lucretia, 14
Müller, Mrs., 37
Municipal Corporation Act, 1835, 9
Municipal suffrage, 9, 20, 48
—— Anti-Suffragist support of, 47

National Union of Women's Suffrage Societies, 21, 22, 62, 81, 85
—— election policy, of 67
—— protests against militant tactics, 63
National Women's Liberal Association, 31
New Zealand, Women's Suffrage in, 35, 36, 37, 89
—— electoral roll of, 41
Nightingale, Miss Florence, 14, 20
Northcote, Sir Stafford, 24
Norton, Hon. Mrs., 11, 12
Norway, Women's Suffrage in, 51, 59, 89

Pankhurst, Dr., 10
Pankhurst, Mrs. and Miss, 60
People's Suffrage Federation, 78, 87
Peterloo Massacre, the, 7
Petitions from Town Councils, 55, 88
Pochin, Mrs., 22
Poor Law Guardians, qualifications of, 50
Primrose League, the, 5, 30
Public meetings and demonstrations, 76, 86

Rathbone, Miss Eleanor, 51
Reeves, W. P., on Women's Suffrage, 38
Reform Acts, exclusion of females, 9
Reform Bill, 1832 and 1867, 6, 7, 9
—— 1884, 27-29
—— 1912, 78-82
Rollit, Sir A., Women's Suffrage Bill (1892) introduced by, 33, 34
Royal Astronomical Society, women members of, 12
Runciman, Mr., on Women's Suffrage, 76

School Boards, women members of, 20, 21
Seddon, Mr. Richard, 37
Serjeant Talfourd's Act, 1839, 12
Shackleton, Mr., Conciliation Bill, 1910, 55, 75, 85
Shaw, Dr. Anna, 82
Shaw, Mrs. Bernard, on Reform Suffrage Bill, 1912, 79
Sheffield Female Political Association, 13
Sherriff, Miss, 22
Sidgwick, Henry, 22
Smith, Mr. Goldwin, 35, 39
Smith, Sydney, on education for women, 6
Societies, Suffrage, 87
South African War, the, 58, 59, 60
Somerville, Mrs., 12, 20
Stanfield, Sir James, 22
Stanger, Mr., Women's Suffrage Bill (1908) introduced by, 70
Stanhope, Mrs. Spencer, quoted, 9
Stanton, Elizabeth Cady, 14
Stevenson, Miss Flora, 21
Stuart, Mr. James, 22
Suffrage Societies, 85, 87
Swanwick, Miss, 20

Taylor, Mrs. Peter, 20
Test Act, the, 54
Thackeray, in Esmond, on domestic tyranny, 12
Times, The, on Women's Suffrage, 77
Town Councils, petitions from, 85, 88
Town and County Councils Qualification Bill, 50, 61
Trades Union Congress (Aberdeen) and Women's Suffrage, 29
Twain, Mark, on Women's Suffrage, 65