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United States, Anti-suffrage movement in, 47
—— Women's Suffrage in, 14, 35, 89
University education opened to women, 22
Unwin, Mrs. Cobden, 27

Voters' Petition, the, 1910, 72

Walpole, Horace, on Mary Wollstonecraft, 5
Ward, Mrs. Humphry, on Women's Suffrage, 35, 44, 50, 51
—— on Conciliation Bill, 1911, 74
—— on representation in local government, 48, 49
—— political activity of, 56
Webb, Mrs. Sidney, 44
Wheeler, Mrs., on Women's Suffrage, 7
Wollstonecraft, Mary, 5, 6
Women, in local government, 49
—— as members of School Boards, 21
—— as municipal voters, 9, 20
—— as Poor Law Guardians, 50
—— political activity of, 13, 30, 31, 32, 56, 57
Women's Freedom League, 63
Women's Liberal Federation, 30, 31, 78
—— and Conciliation Bill, 74
Women's Rights Convention at Seneca Falls, U.S.A., 14
Women's Social and Political Union, 60
—— election policy of, 67
Women's Suffrage, arguments against, 34
—— beginnings of, 5
Women's Suffrage, Conservative objections to, 73
—— not a party question, 23, 73, 82
—— support of, 24
—— historical aspect of, 8
—— in Greater Britain, 34
—— in Isle of Man, 25
—— in other countries, 89
—— in United States, 35, 47, 89
—— Liberal objections to, 73
—— support of, 23
—— pioneers of, 5, 10, 13, 14, 16, 20, 21, 22
—— political aspect of, 15
—— position in 1880-1884, 25-34
—— position under Reform Bill, 1912, 78-82
—— recent developments, 69
—— resolutions and petitions in favour of, 19, 26, 84, 88
—— Societies, 21, 22, 85, 87
—— summary of movement, 84
Women's Suffrage Amendment (J. S. Mill's), 1867, 23
Women's Suffrage Amendment Bill (Mr. Woodall's), 1884, 23, 28, 29
Women's Suffrage Bill, 1870 (Mr. Jacob Bright's), 23
—— 1892 (Sir A. Rollit's), 33
—— 1897 (Mr. F. Begg's), 34, 60
—— 1908 (Mr. Stanger's), 70
—— 1910 (Mr. Shaekleton's), 55, 75, 85
—— 1911 (Sir G. Kemp's), 77, 85. See also Summary, p. 84
Woodall, Mr., Suffrage Amendment Bill (1884) introduced by, 28, 29
Wyoming, Women's Suffrage in, 35, 89

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Edinburgh & London
