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THE PEOPLE'S BOOKS THE FIRST SIXTY VOLUMES The volumes now (February 1912) issued are marked with an asteris^T'TCTu'rTBer^twelve volumes will be issued in May SCIENCE 1. Introduction to Science . . .{ Bv J^g- D " WhethMn, M.A., 2. Embryology The Beginnings of Life By Prof. Gerald Leighton, M.D. 3. Biology-The Science of Life . .{ B * ^Jp^^ 6 ' M ' A " 4. Animal Life . . . . .' .{By Prof.K W/MacBrid., D.Sc., 5. Botany; The Modern Study of Plants ^ ^; L C ^ St0 ^ D ' Se " Ph ' D " 6. Bacteriology . . . . .{Byw E. arnegie Dickson, M.D., 7. Geology ....... By the Rev. T. G. Bonney, F.R.S. 8. Evolution ....... By E. S. Goodrich, M. A., F.R.S. 9 . Darwin ....... {ByP^. W. Garstang,M.A.,D.Sc., 10. Heredity ....... By J. A. S. Watson, B.Sc. ii. Chemistry of Non-living Things . By Prof. E. C. C. Baly, F.R.S. 12. Organic Chemistry .... By Prof. J. B. Cohen, B.Sc., F.R.S. 13. The Principles of Electricity . . By Norman R. Campbell, M.A. 14. Radiation ..... , By P. Phillips, D.Sc. .,5. The Science of th. Star, . . ^^ 16. Light, according to Modern Science By P. Phillips, D.Sc. , 7 . Weather-Science ..... {*W 18. Hypnotism ...... By Alice Hutchison, M.D. X9> ^Mcfther A M ther>S B k .^ a }By a University Woman. ao. Youth and Sex Dangers and Safe-/ By Mary Scharlieb,M.D., M.S., and guards for Boys and Girls . . G. E. C. Pritchard, M.A., M.D. 21. Marriage and Motherhood A Wife's /By H. S. Davidson, M.B., Handbook ..... F.R.C.S.E. T . . , . /By A. E. Russell, M.A., D.Sc., Lord Kelvin . . . , . - M.I.E.E. 23. Huxley ....... By Professor G. Leighton, M.D. 24. Sir W. Huggins and Spectroscopicf By E.W. Maunder, F.R.A.S., of the Astronomy ..... ( Royal Observatory, Greenwich. PHILOSOPHY AND RELIGION 25. The Meaning of Philosophy . . By Prof. A. E.Taylor, M. A., F.B A.

  • 26. Henri Bergson : The Philosophy of g jj vildon Carr

7 . Psychology . ..... By H. J. Watt, M.A., Ph.D.