Page:Women in the Fine Arts From the Seventh Century B.C. to the Twentiet.djvu/250

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with her sister; a "Bison," in a private collection in Boston; and "Playing with Fire."

In November, 1902, Miss Hyatt held an exhibition of her works, in plaster and bronze, at the Boston Art Club. There were many small studies taken from life.

Hyde, Helen. Member of the Art Association, San Francisco. Born in Lima, New York, but has lived so much in California that she is identified with that State, and especially with San Francisco. She made her studies in San Francisco, Philadelphia, New York, and Paris, where she was a pupil of Felix Regamy and Albert Sterner. She then went to Holland, where she also studied. On her return to San Francisco she became so enamoured of the Oriental life she saw there that she determined to go to Japan to perfect herself in colored etching. Miss Hyde devoted herself to the study she had chosen during three years. She lived in an old temple at Tokio, made frequent excursions into the country, was a pupil of the best Japanese teachers, adapted herself to the customs of the country, worked on low tables, sitting on the floor, and so gained the confidence of the natives that she easily obtained models, and, in a word, this artist was soon accorded honors in Japanese exhibitions, where her pictures were side by side with those of the best native artists.

Miss Hyde has made a visit to America and received many commissions which decided her to return to Japan. A letter from a friend in Tokio, written in October, 1903, says that she will soon return to California.

Ighino, Mary. A sculptor residing in Genoa. Since