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remember that upon you depends the future of your children; upon you in after years will they shower blessings which will be a comfort to you in your old age if you have tried in every respect to carry into effect the meaning of the word mother. Why look upon this position so lightly? Can you find one in which you would have the power to do more, be of more real value to your neighbor, your friends and to the world than by rearing your children with such pains and care as to make them real examples to others?

It should be a pleasure as it is your duty to sacrifice, toil and study for the well-being of your children.

Look at the noble men and women we have among us to-day. Ask many of them where the power lies that prompted them to such positions in life, and the answer will be, "I owe it all to my loving, patient, self-sacrificing, forbearing mother."—Ringwood's Journal.

Mrs. Ella C. Pegues.



In the onward march of progress of any people there is no one thing that can do more to make or mar than the disposition and tendencies of its women. Just as surely as water can only rise to its own level so surely can a race hope only to rise to the height of its women. If they are noble, pure and good, we may confidently expect their influence to bring about the same characteristics in the sterner sex, for

The hand that rocks the cradle
Is the hand that rules the world."