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The negro race is peculiarly fortunate in having among it good, noble, pious, refined and cultured women, and none of them are more deserving of a niche in the temple of fame than the subject of this sketch.

Lynchburg, Va., the "City of Hills," that has had the honor of sending out so many distinguished sons, was the place at which she first saw the light of day, and where the better portion of her life was spent.

She attended the public school of that city, making an excellent record, until 1877, when she left for Howard University, from which she graduated with honor in 1880. As is usually the case with gifted women she devoted the first years of her public services to teaching, having taught with great success in the State of Virginia and city of Lynchburg for two years.

Mrs. Jones is a well-read and cultured lady, having a voice of unusual compass, and is an excellent teacher of vocal music; but it is as a pianist that she is especially distinguished. Her execution of the most difficult of classical music is indeed marvelous.

Possessed of a touch of rare sweetness she can give the most excellent interpretation of the great masters, delineating every passion and emotion with a most delicate finish.

Mrs. Jones is undoubtedly possessed of natural ability in the musical line, but in addition to this she has been blessed with the best of instruction from competent teachers from early childhood, continuing the study in the city of Washington, finally taking a course in harmony at the New England Conservatory of Music.