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Women of The West

years. Married to Joseph Badger Wilbur. Children: Frances Haviland, Joseph Barnett. Butte County Girls' Work Secretary under auspices of Young Men's Christian Association, instrumental in establishing Girls' Christian Service Clubs in Butte, Yuba and Sutter Counties as well as an annual High School Girls' Conference in Sacramento Valley; director of annual tri-county summer camp for girls. Member: Monday Club, P.T.A. Home: 1003 Bird Street, Oroville, California.

WILBUR, Marguerite Blake (Mrs. Ray Lyman), a native of San Francisco, daughter of Dr. Charles Edward and Mrs. Martha Foster Blake, a life-long resident of the state of California. Married to Dr. Ray Lymian Wilbur, president of Stanford University. Children: Blake Colburn (M. D.), Dwight Locke (M. D.), Ray Lyman Jr., Mrs. L. W. Ely, Mrs. Max Hopper. Interested and active in all civic, educational and club matters. Member of the National Board of American Council of Institute of Pacific Relations. On the Board of Trustees of People's Assembly. Member: Century Club, S. F. City Club, Cap and Gown, Current Events, Stanford University, American Ass'n of University Women, League of Women Voters. Home: Stanford University, Calif.

WILCOX, Elsie K. (Mrs. F. B.), born March 29, 1889, in Vienna, Austria, daughter of Edward and Josephine Koenig, a resident of California for eighteen years. Married to Frank Bohring Wilcox. Interested in all civic affairs. Commissioner on Parks and Art Committee of Culver City. For third term president of Culver City Business Woman's Club. Member: Culver City Woman's Club, Culver City Business Woman's Club. Home: 627 Van Buren Place, Culver City, Calif.

WILD, May Lester, (Mrs. A. G.), born in Illinois, December 3, 1865, daughter of Robert and Rachel J. Lester, a resident of California for forty-two years. Married to the late A. G. Wild. Children: Mae Wild Markham. Active in club and civic affairs. Member: O.E.S., University Book Club (President), Wa Wan Club, The Presidents' Ass'n. Home: 3847 S. Hill St., Los Angeles, Calif.

WILDE, Dr. Maud, born in Gilmore, Pa., 1880. Resident of California for 16 years. Married to the late Thomas Bancroft Wilde. Children: Dorothy, Thomas B. Founder of Mothers' Educational Center. Author: “The Business of Being a Mother,.” “The Story of Life.” Member: Woman's City Club, University Book Club. Home: 3101 So. Figueroa St., Los Angeles, Calif.

WILDER, Gertrude B., (Mrs. H. J.), born in Boston, Massachusetts, March, 1874, daughter of Joel W. and Elizabeth Houston Bent, former resident of Washington, D. C., living in California for the last 7 years. Married to Henry J. Wilder. Former president, San Bernardino County Fed. of Women's Clubs; graduate of Boston Normal School; has taught in schools of Boston and Washington, D. C.; president, Harmonic Club of San Bernardino, 1926-27. Member: San Bernardino Woman's Club, Highland Woman's Club, California History and Landmarks Society, Delphian Society. Home: Base Line, P. O., Box 316 Highland, California.

WILKIE, Emily D., (Mrs.), born in Bolinas, Marin County, California, daughter of James L. and Mary L. Pierpont Drum, a resident of Berkeley for twenty years. Married to the late Andrew Wilkie Jr. Since 1908 with the University of California Press and since 1920 in editorial charge of the research publications, issued by the University of California Press. Treasurer, Women's (free) Employment Bureau, Community Chest Agency, Oakland. Member: Soroptimist Club of Alameda County, Berkeley Women's City Club, Berkeley Business and Professional Women's Club, Women's Faculty Club, U. C. Home: 2517 Cedar St., Berkeley, Calif.

WILLATS, Marietta Bosworth (Mrs.), born in San Francisco, California, daughter of Henry M. and Virginia Wise Bosworth, a resident of Los Angeles for the last ten years. Her father was organist laureate of California and music critic on San Francisco Examiner. First cousin of Hobart Bosworth, film star. Singer, entertainer, lecturer. Founder of Colonial Dames Co., mfrs. of cosmetics. Producer of “Mother Goose,” a grand opera pageant, compiled and arranged by her father, H. M. Bosworth. Formerly in comic opera, vaudeville and concert work. Has done some dramatic work locally. Has established enviable reputation as lecturer on health and beauty subjects. Member: N. V. A., Troopers of Hollywood, Colonial Dames, D. A. R. Address: 3216 Sunset Blvd., Los Angeles, California.

WILLEBRANDT, Mabel Walker (Mrs.), born in Woodsdale, Kansas, May 23,