Page:Wood - Foods of the Foreign-Born.djvu/58

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Saturday Lunch

  • Whisky
  • Soup (cream) with eggs
  • Lentils with sliced ham
  • Bread (rye)

Sunday Dinner

  • Whisky
  • Beef soup, noodles
  • Chicken paprakas, mashed potatoes
  • Sauerkraut with meat
  • Bread (rye)
  • Cucumber salad
  • Fruit

Saturday Supper

  • Whisky
  • Left overs
  • Bread (rye)

Sunday Supper

  • Whisky
  • Fried meat from soup
  • Mashed potato
  • Bread (rye)
  • Doughnuts with jelly inside
  • Fruit
  • Wine


Workingman, City
Except at breakfast, wine or beer is used at all meals
Coffee with milk
Rolls (white)
(Breakfast the same every day)

Monday Lunch

  • Broth
  • Boiled meat with potatoes
  • Bread (rye)
  • Dill pickles
  • Fruit

Monday Supper

  • Kidneys with brains
  • Lettuce
  • Bread (rye)

Tuesday Lunch

  • Tomato soup
  • Veal stew with potatoes
  • Bread (rye)
  • Dill pickles

Tuesday Supper

  • Cold boiled ham
  • Onion salad
  • Bread (rye)