Page:Wood - Foods of the Foreign-Born.djvu/59

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Wednesday Lunch

  • Goulash soup
  • Meat pie made with ham and noodles
  • Bread (rye)
  • Dill pickles

Wednesday Supper

  • Fried pork
  • Mashed potatoes with fried onions
  • Bread (rye)

Thursday Lunch

  • Vegetable soup
  • Squash with beefsteak
  • Bread (rye)
  • Fruit

Thursday Supper

  • Left overs
  • Bread (rye)
  • Fruit

Friday Lunch

  • Fish soup
  • Pot cheese with noodles and cream
  • Bread (rye)
  • Fruit

Friday Supper

  • Left overs
  • Bread (rye)

Saturday Lunch

  • Cream soup with eggs
  • Lentils with roast pork
  • Bread (rye)

Saturday Supper

  • Egg omelet
  • Butter, radishes
  • Bread (rye)

Sunday Dinner

  • Chicken soup
  • Stuffed roast chicken
  • Onions, parsley
  • Red pepper or saffron
  • Cucumbers, lettuce salad with cream
  • Bread (rye)
  • Apple or cheese strudel
  • Fruit