Page:Works of Thomas Carlyle - Volume 04.djvu/358

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has assassinated Marat at Paris two days before (Saturday July 13th). Great Republican vengeances in consequence: Girondin Deputies, Barbaroux, Pétion, Louvet, Gaudet, etc. wander ruined, disguised over France; the Twenty-two, Brissot, Vergniaud etc. now imprisoned, await trial; Lyons and other Girondin Cities to be signally punished. Valenciennes, besieged by Duke of York since May, surrenders July 26th.

1793. August–October.

Mountain, victorious, resting on the 'Forty-four thousand Jacobin Clubs and Municipalities'; its severe summary procedure rapidly developing itself into a 'Reign of Terror.' Law of the Forty Sous (Sectioners to be paid for attending meetings), Danton's Contrivance, August 5th. Austrians force the Lines of Weissembourg, penetrate into France on the East side: Dunkirk besieged by Duke of York (August 22d): Lyons bombarded by Dubois-Crancé of the Mountain, Powder-Magazine explodes; Barrère's Proclamation of Levy in Mass, 'France risen against Tyrants' (August 23d). 'Revolutionary Army' (anarchic Police-force of the Mountain), September 5th–11th. Law of the Suspect, September 17th. Lyons, after frightful sufferings, surrenders to Dubois-Crancé (October 9th): 'To be razed from the Earth.' Same day Gorsas at Paris, a Girondin Deputy, captured in a state of outlawry, is 'immediately guillotined' (October 9th): first Deputy who died in that manner. Execution of the Queen Marie-Antoinette, Wednesday October 16th. Execution of the Twenty-two, after trial of some length, 'Marseillaise sung in chorus' at the scaffold (October 31st).—General Jourdan has driven Cobourg and the Austrians over the Sambre again, October 16th (day of the Queen's death); Duke of York repulsed from Dunkirk, 'like to be swallowed by the tide,' a month before.

1793. November–December.

Reign of Terror, and Terror the Order of the Day. Execution of d'Orléans Égalité, November 6th; of Madame Roland, November 8th; of Mayor Bailly, November 10th. Goddess of Reason (first of them, at Paris) sails into the Convention, same day (November 10th): Plunder of Churches; 'Carmagnole complete.' Convention 'Representatives on Mission': St Just and Lebon, at Strasburg, 'Strip off your shoes; 10,000 pairs wanted; likewise 1000 beds,—under way in 24 hours' (November 27th). Spanish War, neglected hitherto, and not successful; may become important? Toulon, dangerously Girondin in dangerous vicinity, Hood and the English and even 'Louis xviii.' there; is besieged, Napoleon serving in the Artillery; is captured, December 19th: 'To be razed from the Earth.' Carrier at Nantes: Noyadings by night,