Page:Works of Thomas Carlyle - Volume 04.djvu/359

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second of them December 14th; become 'Marriages of the Loire,' and other horrors. Lebon at Arras. Maignet at Orange. 'Death poured out in great floods (vomie à grands flots).' Lines of Weissembourg, 'retaken by St. Just charging with Peasants' (ends the Year).


'Revolution eating its own children:' the Hébertists guillotined, Anacharsis Cloots among them, March 24th; Danton himself and the Dantonists (April 3d), which is the acme of the process. Armies successful: Pichegru in the Netherlands; defeat of Austrians at Moneron, April 29th; of Austrian Emperor at Turcoing, May 18th: successes of Dugommier against Spain (May 23d), which continue in brilliant series, till the business ends, and he ends 'killed by a cannon-shot,' six months hence. June 1st, Howe's Sear-victory; and Fable of the Vengeur. General Jourdan: Battle of Fleurus, sore stroke against the Austrian Netherlands (June 26th).

Conspiracy of Mountain against Robespierre: Tallien and others desirous not to be 'eaten.' Last scenes of Robespierre: July 28th (10 Thermidor, Year 2), guillotined with his Consorts;—which, unexpectedly, ends the Reign of Terror. Victorious French Armies: enter Cologne, October 6th; masters of Spanish bulwarks (Dugommier shot), October 17th; Duke of York and Dutch Stadtholder in a ruinous condition. Reaction against Robespierre: 'whole Nation a Committee of Mercy.' Jacobins Club assaulted by mob; shut up, November 10th–12th. Law of Maximum abolished, December 24th. Duke of York gone home; Pichegru and 70,000 overrun Holland; frost so hard, 'hussars can take ships.'


Stadtholder quits Holland, January 19th; glad to get across to England: Spanish Cities 'opening to the petard' (Rosas first, January 5th, and rapidly thereafter, till almost Madrid come in view). Continued downfall of Sansculottism. Effervescence of luxury; La Cabarus; Greek Costumes; Jeunesse Dorée; balls in flesh-coloured drawers. Sansculottism rises twice in Insurrection; both times in vain. Insurrection of Germinal ('12 Germinal,' Year 3, April 1st, 1795); ends by 'two blank cannon-shot' from Pichegru.

1795. April–October.

Prussia makes Peace of Bâle (Basel) April 5th; Spain, Peace of Bâle a three months later. Armies everywhere successful: Catalogue of Victories and Conquests hung up in the Convention Hall. Famine of the