Page:Works of Thomas Carlyle - Volume 04.djvu/367

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Cockades, green, i. 175; tricolor, 180; black, 244, 248; national, trampled, 247, 249; white, 247.

Coffinhal, Judge, delivers Henriot, iii. 281.

Coigny, Duke de, a sinecurist, i. 64.

Collot, d'Herbois. See Herbois.

Commerce, new Noblesse of, i. 14.

Commissioners, Convention, like Kings, iii. 234, 238.

Committee of Defence, ii. 279 (iii. 142); Central, 279, 284, 290; of Watchfulness, of Public Salvation, iii. 6, 24, 142, 190, 231, 288; Circular of, 44; of the Constitution, 69; Revolutionary, 140; of Sections, 153; Revolutionary, busy, 213.

Committees, Forty-four Thousand, iii. 192.

Commune, Council General of the, ii. 306; Sovereign of France, iii. 4; enlisting, 5, 24.

Communes, of France, iii. 181.

Condé Prince de, attends Louis xv., i. 17; emigrates, 202.

Condé, Town, surrendered, iii. 180.

Condorcet, Marquis, edits Moniteur, i. 136; Girondist, ii. 206; prepares Address, 242; on Robespierre, iii. 130; vanishes, 194; death of, 263.

Conscience, leaders of, i. 11.

Constitution, French, completed, ii. 195–200; will not march, 211, 224, 227; burst in pieces, 302; new, of 1793, iii. 181, 186.

Constitutions, how built, i. 215.

Contrat Social: see Rousseau.

Convention, National, in what case to be summoned, ii. 198; demanded by some, 239; determined on, 305; coming, 307; Deputies elected, iii. 5, 11, 48; constituted, 58; motions in, 59; work to be done, 68; hated, politeness, effervescence of, 71; on September Massacres, 73; guard for, 73; try the King, 95; debate on trial, 96; invite to revolt, 97; condemn Louis, 100–104; armed Girondins in, 138; power of, 142; removes to Tuileries, 151; besieged, June 2d, 1793, extinction of Girondins, 159, 163; Jacobins and, 180; on forfeited property, 213; Carmagnole, Goddess of Reason, 227; awed to silence, 233; Representatives, 234; at Feast of Être Suprême, 267; to be butchered? 275; end of Robespierre, 276, 279, 284; retrospect of, 304–306; Féraud, Germinal, Prairial, 306–310; finishes, its successor, 316.

Corday, Charlotte, account of, iii. 166; in Paris, 167; stabs Marat, 169; examined, 170; executed, 171.

Cordeliers, Club, ii. 33; Hébert in, iii. 249.

Council of Ancients, of Five Hundred, iii. 316.

Court, Chevalier de, and his dagger, ii. 132.

Court, French Plenary, i. 97, 104, 105.

Couthon, of Mountain, in Legislative, ii. 207; in National Convention, iii. 58; at Lyons, 217; in Salut Committee, 231; his question in Jacobins, 252; decree on plots, 268; arrested, executed, 280, 284.

Covenant, Scotch, ii. 42, 48; French, 42, 48.

Crime, purpose and act of, iii. 25.

Crussol, Marquise de, guillotined, iii. 262.

Cuissa, massacred at La Force, iii. 33.

Curates abolished, iii. 225.

Cussy, Girondin, retreats to Bordeaux, iii. 177.

Custine, General, takes Ments, etc., iii. 65; retreats, 132; blamed, 166, 180; guillotined, 193; his son guillotined, 213.

Customs and morals, iii. 47.

Damas, Colonel Comte de, at Clermont, ii. 176; at Varennes, 182.

Dampierre, General, killed, iii. 166.

Dampmartin, Captain, at riot in Rue St. Antoine, i. 129; on state of the Army, ii. 76; on state of France, 109; at Avignon, 216; on Marseillese, 273.

Dandoins, Captain, Flight to Varennes, ii. 271–176.

Danton, notice of, i. 136; President of Cordeliers, 237; astir, 249; ii. 19; and Marat, 25; served with writs, 25; in Cordeliers Club, 33; elected Councillor, 136; Mirabeau of Sansculottes, 205; takes presents, 225; in Jacobins, 246; for Deposition, 270; of Committee, August Tenth, 279, 285; Minister of Justice, 306; iii. 8; 'faire peur,' 'de l'audace,' 23; after September Massacre, 46; after Jemappes, 84; and Robespierre, 86; in Netherlands, 91; at King's trial, 101; on war, 113; rebukes Marat, 127; peacemaker, 129; 'name be blighted,' 134; and Dumouriez, 139; in Salut Committee, 142; breaks with Girondins, 149; his law of Forty sous, 190; and Revolutionary Government, 231; and Paris Municipality, 232; suspect, 250; retires to Arcis, 251; and Robespierre,