Page:Works of Thomas Carlyle - Volume 04.djvu/368

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354; arrested, 255; prison-thoughts, 256; trial of, 257–269; guillotined, 259; character, 260.

David, Painter, in National Convention, iii. 50; works by, 181, 243, 267; hemlock with Robespierre, 277.

Death, kingly idea of, i. 19.

Deficit, Mirabeau on, i. 241.

Democracy, on Bunker Hill, i. 7; spread of, in France, 45, 46, 118.

Departments, France divided into, ii. 9.

Desèze, Pleader, for Louis, iii. 95, 104.

Deshuttes, massacred, October Fifth, i. 280.

Desilles, Captain, in Nanci, ii. 95.

Deslons, Captain, at Varennes, ii. 183; would liberate the King, 184.

Desmoulins, Camille, notice of, i. 136; in arms at Café de Foy, 175; Editor, his title, 236; on Insurrection of Women, 252; in Cordeliers Club, ii. 33; and Brissot, 246; in National Convention, iii. 49; on Sansculottism, 143; on plots, 155; suspect, 250; for a committee of mercy, 252; ridicules law of the suspect, 252; his Journal, 253; his wife, 256; trial of, 257, 259; guillotined, 259; widow guillotined, 260.

Diderot, prisoner in Vincennes, ii. 128.

Dinners, defined, i. 246. See Guards.

Directorate, feats of, iii. 331.

Discipline, Army, nature of, ii. 72–74.

Dodd, Dr., at French races, i. 49.

Doppet, General, at Lyons, iii. 218.

Douai: see Parlement.

Drouet, Jean B., notice of, ii. 173; discovers Royalty in flight, 175; raises Varennes, 179; blocks the bridge, 180; defends his prize, 182; rewarded, 200; to be in Convention, iii. 20; captured by Austrians, 239.

Dubarry, Dame, and Louis xv., i. 2, 3; flight of, 22; imprisoned, iii. 207.

Dubois-Crance bombards Lyons, iii. 188; takes Lyons, 216.

Duchâtel, votes, wrapt in blankets, iii. 104; at Caen, 164.

Ducos, Girondin, ii. 206.

Dueling, in French Revolution, ii. 115.

Dugommier, General, at Toulon, iii. 219, 237.

Duhamel, killed by Marseillese, ii. 284.

Dumont, on Mirabeau, i. 241; ii. 139.

Dumouriez, notice by, i. 3; account of him, ii. 19; in Brittany, 155; in dressing-gown at Nantes, 167; in La Vendée, 220; sent for to Paris, 235; Foreign Minister, 247; dismissed, to Army, 256; disobeys Lückner, 271; Commander-in-Chief, 308; his army, iii. 18; Council of War, 21; seizes Argonne Forest, 21, 51; Grand-Pré, 53; and mutineers, 63; and Marat in Paris, 64; to Netherlands, 65; at Jemappes, 83; in Paris, 100; discontented, 112; retreats, 131; traitor? 132, 136; beaten, 139; will join the enemy, 144; arrests his arresters, 146; escapes to Austrians, 147.

Duperret, Girondin draws sword in Convention, iii. 150; papers sealed, Charlotte Corday, 179.

Dupont, Deputy, Atheist, iii. 97.

Duport, Adrien, in Paris Parlement, i. 81; in Constituent Assembly, one of a trio, 221; law-reformer, ii. 6.

Duportail, in office, ii. 125.

Durosoy, Royalist, guillotined, iii. 9.

Dusaulx, M., on taking of Bastille, i. 210; notice of, iii. 39; will demit, 160.

Dutertre, in office, ii. 125.

Edgeworth, Abbé, attends Louis, iii. 107; at execution of Louis, 110.

Editors, in 1789, i. 235.

Églantine, Fabre d', in National Convention, iii. 49; assists in New Calendar, 184; imprisoned, 251.

Election for States-General, i. 121.

Élie, Capt., at siege of Bastille, i. 193, 195; after victory, 196.

Elizabeth, Princess, flight to Varennes, ii. 163; August 10th, 297; in Temple Prison, iii. 80; guillotined, 262.

Emigrants, law against, ii. 131; errors of, 232; regiment of, iii. 62; retreat with Prussians, 63.

Emigration, first French, i. 202, 231; second, 285; ii. 106, 190.

England declares war on France, iii. 113, 133; gains Toulon, 187.

Enraged Club, the, i. 116.

Equality, reign of, iii. 10.

Escuyer, Patriot l', at Avignon, ii. 315.

Espréménil, Duval d', notice of, i. 81; patriot, speaker in Paris Parlement, 83, 86; with crucifix, 95; discovers Brienne's plot, 98; arrest and speech of, 99–103; turncoat, 146; in Constituent Assembly, 221; beaten by populace, ii. 133; guillotined, iii. 261; widow guillotined, 269.

Estaing, Count d', notice of, i. 244; National Colonel, 261, 265; Royalist, 274; at Queen's Trial, iii. 195.

Estate, Third, in 1614, i. 116; what it is in 1788, and will do, 117, 119; deputies to, 1789, 14; a separate order? 152; inertia, 153; declares itself 'National Assembly,' 159.