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Estate, Fourth, of Editors, etc. i. 235.

Étampes: see Simoneau.

Etiquette, acme of: see Brézé.

Étoile, beginning of Federation at, ii. 43.

Evil, nature of, i. 36.

Falsehood, doom of, i. 213.

Famine, in France, i. 34, 53; in 1788–1792, 107, 157, 169, 224, 232; Louis and Assembly try to relieve, 271; ii. 112, 244; in 1792, and remedy, iii. 78; remedy by maximum, etc., 142,

Fanaticism and Formula, i. 212.

Fauchet, Abbé, at siege of Bastille, i. 193; famous for Te-Deums, 233; his funeral harangue on Franklin, ii. 66; his Cercle Social, 111; in First Parliament, 205; motion by, 218; strips off his insignia, 240; King's death, lamentation, iii. 112; will demit, 160; trial of, 197.

Faussigny, sabre in hand, ii. 115.

Favras, Chevalier, executed, ii. 14.

Feast, of Reason, iii. 227–229; of Être Suprême, 267.

Federation, becoming general, ii. 45; of Champ-de-Mars, 48; deputies to, 50, 60; human species at, 51; ceremonies of, 61–67; a new, to be, 1792, 268; is held, 274.

Féraud, in National Convention, iii. 49; massacred there, 307.

Fersen, Count, ii. 158; gets Berline built, 159; acts coachman in King's flight, 160.

Feudalism, death of, in France, i. 133.

Feuillans, Club, ii. 33, 190; denounce Jacobins, 198; decline, 243; extinguished, 244; Battalion, 256; Justices and Patriotism, 267; Directory, 268.

Figaro, Mariage de, i. 59; iii. 16.

Finances, bad state of, i. 46, 64, 89, 108; how to be improved, 80, 89, 97; ii. 8.

Flanders, how Louis xv. conquers, i. 6.

Flandre, regiment de, at Versailles, i. 244, 246, 264.

Flesselles, Paris Provost, i. 173, 179; shot, 197.

Fleuriot, Mayor, guillotined, iii. 285.

Fleury, Joly de, Controller of Finance, i. 64.

Fontenai, Mme, iii. 215, 273. See Cabarus.

Formula, i. 212; and Fanaticism destroyed, 224; essential to man, iii. 68.

Forster, and French soldier, iii. 65; account of, 132.

Fouché, at Lyons, iii. 216.

Foulon, bad repute of, i. 66; nicknamed, 90; advises grass for the people, 112; funeral of, 203; alive, judged, massacred, 205–207.

Fournier, and Orléans Prisoners, iii. 44.

Foy, Café de, revolutionary, i. 172, 237, 242.

France, abject, under Louis xv., i. 5, 13–15; Kings of, 7; early history of, 7; decay of Kingship in, 11; on accession of Louis xvi., 29; and Philosophy, 30, 33; famine in, 1775, 34, 35, 53; state of, prior Revolution, 36; aids America, 44; in 1788, 106; inflammable, July 1789, 176; gibbets, general overturn, 243; how to be regenerated, ii. 15, 16; riotousness of, 120; Mirabeau and, 138; after King's flight, 166; petitions against Royalty, 166; warfare of towns in, 214; Europe leagues against, 230; terror of, in Spring 1792, 236; decree of war, 250; country in danger, 271, 276; general enlisting, 276; rage of, Autumn 1792, iii. 1, 3; Marat's Circular, September, 44; Sansculottic, 67; declaration of war, 113; Mountain and Girondins divide, 125; communes of, 181; coalition against, 187; levy in mass, 190; prisons in 1793, 213; one large 'Committee of Mercy,' in 1795, 291; state of, since the Revolution, 321, 322.

Franklin, Ambassador to France, i. 44; his death lamented, ii. 66; bust in Jacobins, 245.

Fraternity, doctrine of, iii. 205.

Freedom, meaning of, i. 183.

French Anglomania, i. 49; character of the, 57; literature, in 1784, 55, 59; Parlements, nature of, 61; Mirabeau, type of the, 137; mob, character of, 250; Julius Cæsar on the, ii. 109; Millennium, iii. 118.

Fréron, notice of, ii. 27; renegade, iii. 290; Gilt Youth of, 295.

Fréteau, at Royal Session, i. 91; arrested, 92; liberated, 95.

Freys, the Jew brokers, ii. 20; imprisoned, iii. 234.

Gallois, to La Vendée, ii. 220.

Gamain, Sieur, locksmith, informer, iii. 89.

Game, i. 231.

Garat, Minister of Justice, iii. 105.

Gazette, origin of the term, ii. 29.

Genlis, Mme, account of, ii. 24; and D'Orléans, iii. 128; to Switzerland, 145.

Gensonné Girondist, ii. 206; to La Vendée, 220; arrested, iii. 162; trial of, 197.

Georges-Cadoudal, in La Vendée, iii. 298.