Page:Works of Thomas Carlyle - Volume 04.djvu/375

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Moucherton, M. de, of King's Bodyguard, i. 267.

Moudon, Abbé, confessor to Louis xv., i. 16, 22.

Mounier, at Grenoble, i. 104; proposes Tennis-Court oath, 162; October Fifth, President of Constituent Assembly, 257; deputed to King, 261; dilemma of, on return, 272; emigrates, 285.

Mountain, members of the, ii. 207; reelected in National Convention, iii. 48; Gironde and, 121–125; favourers of the, 122; vulnerable points of, 126; prevails, 13o; Danton, Duperret, 150; after Gironde dispersed, 166; in labour, 174.

Müller, General, invades Spain, iii. 237.

Municipality of Paris, to be abolished, iii. 290.

Murat, in Vendémiaire revolt, iii. 318.

Mutiny, military, nature of, ii. 73.

Nanci, revolt at, ii. 12, 83–88; town described, 84; deputation imprisoned, 87; deputation of mutineers, 93; state of mutineers in, 93, 94; Bouillé's fight, 96; Paris thereupon, 98; military executions at, 99; Assembly Commissioners, 100.

Nantes, after King's flight, ii. 167; massacres at, iii. 214; noyades, 221; prisoners to Paris, 272, 290.

Napoleon Bonaparte studying mathematics, i. 107; pamphlet by, ii. 77; democratic, in Corsica, 121; August Tenth, 300; under General Cartaux, iii. 173; at Toulon, 187, 218–220; was pupil of Pichegru, 240; Josephine and, at La Cabarus's, 293; Vendémiaire, 318, 319.

Narbonne, Louis de, assists flight of King's Aunts, ii. 126; to be War-Minister, 226; demands by, 227; secreted, iii. 10; escapes, 14.

Nature, statue of, iii. 181.

Navy, Louis xv. on French, i. 45; French, rots, ii. 224.

Necker, and finance, account of, i. 46; dismissed, 47; refuses Brienne, 108; recalled. 111; difficulty as to States-General, 119; reconvokes Notables, 119; opinion of himself, 135; popular, 166; dismissed, 175; recalled, 202; returns in glory, 230; his plans, 240; getting unpopular, ii. 11; departs, with difficulty, 98.

Necklace, Diamond, i. 57, 69.

Nerwinden, battle of, iii. 139.

Netherlands, occupied by French, iii. 84.

Newspapers in 1789, i. 236; in 1790, ii. 25–29, 107, 124.

Nièvre-Chol, Mayor of Lyons, iii. 125.

Nobles, state of the, under Louis xv., i. 12; new, 14; join Third Estate, 167; Emigrant, errors of, ii. 232.

Notables, Calonne's convocation of, i. 69; assembled 22d Feb. 1787, 70; members of, 70; organed out, 78; effects of dismissal of, 78; reconvoked, 6th November 1788, 119; dismissed again, 128.

Noyades, Nantes, iii. 221.

Oath, of the Tennis-Court, i. 162; National, ii. 36.

October Fifth, 1789, i. 250–254.

Ogé, condemned, ii. 221.

Orléans, High Court at, ii. 238; prisoners, massacred at Versailles, iii. 44–47.

Orléans, a Duke d', in Louis xv.'s sickroom, i. 17; another, disbelieves in death, 19.

Orléans, Philippe (Égalité), Due d', Duke de Chartres (till 1785) i. 70; waits on Dauphin, Father, with Louis xv., 17; not Admiral, 45; wealth, debauchery, Palais-Royal buildings, 50; balloons, 51; in Notables (Duke d'Orléans now), 70; looks of, Bed-of-Justice, 1787, 91, 92; arrested, 92; liberated, 95; pseudo-author, 117; in States-General Procession, 145; joins Third Estate, 167; his party, in Constituent Assembly, 221; Fifth October and, 286; shunned in England, ii. 25; to be Regent? Mirabeau, 114; cash gone, how, 114; use of, in Revolution, 115; accused by Royalists, 134; at Court, insulted, 225; in National Convention (Égalité henceforth), iii. 50; decline of, in Convention, 84, 128; vote on King's trial, 103, 105; at King's execution, 110; arrested, imprisoned, 141; condemned, 207; politeness and execution, 209.

Ormesson, d', Controller of Finance, i. 64; his Uncle, on States-General, 82, 95.

Orthodoxy and Heterodoxy, ii. 156.

Pache, Swiss, account of, ii. 21; Minister of War, iii. 76; Mayor, 156; dismissed, reinstated, 157; imprisoned, 260.

Paine, Common Sense, ii. 21; that there be a Republic, 166; naturalised, iii. 6; in National Convention, 50; escapes guillotine, 282.

Palais-Royal, change in use of, i. 50; spouting at, 157, 169, 202, 242.

Pan, Mallet du, solicits for Louis, ii. 224.

Pandora's box, ii. 13.

Panis, Advocate, in Governing Commit-