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tee, iii. 7; and Beaumarchais, 17; confidant of Danton, 25.

Pantheon, first occupant of, ii. 144.

Paoli, General, friend of Napoleon, ii. 121.

Paper, Age of, uses of, i. 29.

Parens, Curate, renounces religion, iii. 224.

Paris, origin of city, i. 8; police in 1750, 13; ship Ville-de-Paris, 45; riot at Palais-de-Justice, 86; beautified, in 1788, 98; election, 1789, 122; troops called to, 155; military preparations in, 168; July Fourteenth, cry for arms, 177, 187; search for arms, 180; Bailly, mayor of, 201; trade-strikes in, 237; Lafayette patrols, 242; October Fifth, propositions to Louis, 274; Louis in, 288; foreigners flock to, ii. 20; Journals, 27–29, 107, 108, 124; bill-stickers, 28, 107; undermined, 55, 129; after Champ-de-Mars Federation, 67; on Nanci affair, 98; on death of Mirabeau, 142; on Flight to Varennes, 164–167; on King's return, 186; Directory suspends Pétion, 266; enlisting, 1792, 276 (iii. 23); on forfeiture of King, 284; Sections, rising of, 287; August Tenth, prepares for insurrection, 286–291; Municipality supplanted, 290; statues torn down, King and Queen to prison, 306; September 1792, iii. 40; names printed on house-door, 140; in insurrection, Girondins, May 1793, 157, 159; Municipality in red nightcaps, 232; brotherly supper, 264; like a Mahlstrom, Thermidor, 283; Sections to be abolished, 290; brightened up, 1795, 291–296; Gilt Youth, 295.

Pâris, Guardsman, assassinates Lepelletier, iii. 106.

Pâris, friend of Danton, iii. 255.

Parlement, Douai, alone registers Edicts, i. 104.

Parlement of Paris, reëstablished, i. 29; patriotic, 62, 83; on registering Edicts, 83; against Taxation, 81, 82; remonstrates, at Versailles, 82; arrested, 85; origin of, 85; nature of, corrupt, 85; at Troyes, yields, 88; Royal Session in, 90–92; how to be tamed, 97; oath and declaration of, 99; firmness of, 100–104; scene in, and dismissal of, 101; reinstated, 111; unpopular, 116; summons Dr. Guillotin, 125; abolished, ii. 9.

Parlements, Provincial, adhere to Paris, i. 84, 93; rebellious, 96, 100; exiled, 104; grand deputations of, 104; reinstated, 111; abolished, ii. 9.

Past, the, and Fear, iii. 81.

Paul and Virginia, by St. Pierre, i. 60.

Peltier, Royalist Pamphleteer, iii. 14.

Père Duchesne, Editor of, ii. 107; iii. 124.

Pereyra, Walloon, account of, ii. 21; imprisoned, iii. 251.

Perruques blondes, iii. 246.

Pétion, account of, i. 142; Dutch-built, ii. 6; and D'Espréménil, 133; to be mayor, 136; Varennes, meets King, 186; and Royalty, 188, 288; at close of Assembly, 200; in London, 202; Mayor of Paris, 242; In Twentieth June, 262; suspended, 266; reinstated, 274; welcomes Marseillese, 282; August Tenth, in Tuileries, 288; rebukes Septemberers, iii. 43; in National Convention, 49; declines mayorship, 78; and his violin, 186; against Mountain, 150; retreat of, to Bordeaux, 176–180; end of, 201.

Pétion, National-Pique, christening of, ii. 253.

Petition, of famishing French, i. 34; at Fatherland's altar, ii. 192; of the Eight Thousand, 255; of washerwomen. iii. 116.

Petitions, on capture of King, ii. 191; for deposition, etc., 284.

Phélippeaux, purged out of the Jacobins, iii. 351.

Philosopher in office, i. 30.

Philosophes, French, i. 29, 30; ii. 23.

Philosophism, influence of, on Revolution, i. 14; what it has done with Church, 37; with Religion, 58; disappointment on succeeding, ii. 24.

Pichegru, General, notice of, iii. 240; in Germinal, 303.

Pikes, fabricated,—see Arms; Feast of, ii. 67; in 1793, iii. 181–183.

Pilnitz, Convention at, ii. 229.

Pin, Latour du, War-Minister, ii. 87, 98; dismissed, 125.

Pitt, against France, ii. 230; and Girondins, iii. 118; inflexible, 298.

Placard Journals, ii. 28.

Plots, of King's flight, i. 244 (ii. 122, 124, 125, 159–163); various, of Aristocrats, October Fifth, 250–259; Royalist, of Favras and others, ii. 13; cartels. Twelve bullies from Switzerland, 116–119; D'Inisdal, will-o'-wisp, 122; Mirabeau and Queen, 123; poniards, 130–133; Mallet du Pan, 224; Narbonne's 226; traces of, in Armoire de Fer, iii. 90; against Girondins, 136; Desmoulins on, 155; by Pitt? 250, 265; prison, 261, 268–271.