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Polignac, Duke de, a sinecurist, i. 63; dismissed, 202; at Bâle, 223; younger, in Ham, 224.

Pompignan, President of National Assembly, i. 185.

Poniards, Royalist, ii. 123; Day of, 134.

Pope Pius vi. excommunicates Talleyrand, ii. 155; effigy of, burned, 155.

Prairial First to Third, May 20–22, 1795, iii. 306–310.

Précy, at siege of Lyons, iii. 188, 216.

Present, the, and Fear, iii. 81.

Priesthood, costumes thrown off, ii. 240; costumes in Carmagnole, iii. 225.

Priestley, Dr., riot against, ii. 229; naturalised, iii. 5; elected to National Convention, 50.

Priests, dissident, fustigated, ii. 150; marry in France, 238; Anti-national, hanged, 268; thirty killed near the Abbaye, iii. 26; number slain in September Massacre, 41; to rescue Louis, 105; drowned at Nantes, 221; four hundred at anchor, 272.

Prisons, Paris, in Bastille time, i. 180; full, August 1792, iii. 16; number of, in Paris and in France, 213; state of in Terror, 270–273; thinned after Terror, 289.

Prison, Abbaye, refractory Members sent to, ii. 239; Temple, Louis sent to, 306; Abbaye, Priests killed near, iii. 26; La Force, Châtelet, and Conciergerie, massacres at, 27–38.

Procession, of States-General Deputies, i. 134; of Necker and D'Orléans busts, 176; of Louis to Paris, 286–289; again, after Varennes, ii. 186; of Black Breeches, 260–263; of Louis to trial, iii. 92; at Constitution of 1793, 182.

Proly, Jacobin missionary, iii. 84, 139.

Prophecy and Prodigies, ii. 38.

Protestants emancipated, i. 89, 95.

Provence Noblesse, expel Mirabeau, i. 124.

Prudhomme, Editor, ii. 27; on assassins, 119; turncoat, iii. 223; on Cavaignac, 238 n.

Prussia, Fritz of, i. 285; against France, ii. 229; army of, ravages France, iii. 10; King of, and French Princes, 57.

Puisaye, Girondin General, iii. 165, 175; at Quiberon, 299.

Quack, unforgivable, ii. 146.

Quéret-Démery, prisoner in Bastille, i. 199.

Quiberon, debarkation at, iii. 299.

Rabaut, St. Étienne, French Reformer, i. 142; in National Convention, iii. 49; in Commission of Twelve, 153; arrested, 162; hides between two walls, 178; guillotined, 213.

Raynal, Abbé, Philosophe, i. 56, 59; his letter to Constituent Assembly, 235.

Reason, Goddess of, iii. 227–229.

Rebecqui, of Marseilles, ii. 218; in National Convention, iii. 49; against Robespierre ('Moi'), 75; retires, 125; drowns himself, 173.

Reding, Swiss, massacred, iii. 31.

Religion, Christian, and French Revolution, iii. 203; abolished, 223–229; Clootz on, 225; a new, 227–205.

Remy, Cornet, at Clermont, ii. 177.

Rénault, Cécile, to assassinate Robespierre, iii. 265; guillotined, 265.

Réné, King, bequeathed Avignon to Pope, ii. 212.

Rennes, riot in, i. 104.

Renwick, last of Cameroniana, iii. 119.

Repaire, Tardivet du, Bodyguard, Fifth October, i. 279; rewarded, ii. 122.

Representation, double, of Tiers Etat, i. 119.

Representative, Hereditary, ii. 120.

Representatives, Paris, Town, i. 234.

Republic, French, first mention of, ii. 168; first year of, iii. 48, 183; established, 59, 66; universal, Clootz's, 78; Girondin, 138; one and indivisible, 147; its triumphs, 296–299.

Resson, Sieur, reports Lafayette to Jacobins, ii. 265.

Réveillon, first balloon at house of, i. 51; house beset, destroyed, 129.

Revolt, Paris in, i. 180; of Gardes Françaises, 182; becomes Revolution, 199; military, what, ii. 73; of Lepelletier section, iii. 317–320.

Revolution, French, causes of the, i. 13, 36, 57, 96; Lord Chesterfield on the, 15; not a Revolt, 200; meaning of the term, 211; whence it grew, 212; general commencement of, 226; editors, 235; prosperous characters in, ii. 18; Philosophes and, 24; state of army in, 73; progress of, 104, 112; duelling in, 115; Republic decided on, 166; European powers and, 227–230; Royalist opinion of, 233; cardinal movements in, iii. 8; Danton and the, 46; changes produced by the, 66; and Atheism, 97; effect of King's death on, 114–116; Girondin idea of, 124, 137; suspicion in, 155; like Saturn, 201; Terror and, 202; and Christian religion, 203; Revolutionary Committees, 140, 191, 213; Government doings in, 243; Robes-