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pierre essential to, 287; end of the Revolution, 320.

Rheims, in September Massacre, iii. 44.

Richelieu, at death of Louis xv., i. 17, 24; death of, 114.

Riquettis, the, i. 137.

Riot, Paris, in May 1750, i. 13; Corn-law (in 1775), 34; at Palais de Justice (1787), 86; triumphs, 112; of Rue St. Antoine, 128; of July Fourteenth (1789), and Bastille, 176–200; at Strasburg, 230; Paris, on the veto, 241; Versailles Château, October Fifth (1789), 251–282; uses of, to National Assembly, ii. 18; Paris, on Nanci affair, 98; at De Castries' Hotel, no theft, 118; on flight of King's Aunts, 127; at Vincennes, 129; on King's proposed journey to St. Cloud, 152; in Champ-de-Mars, with sharp shot, 193; Paris, Twentieth June, 1792, 260; August Tenth, 1792, 288–307; Grain, iii. 78; Paris, at Théâtre de la Nation, 74; selling sugar, 117; of Thermidor, 1794, 278–286; of Germinal, 1795, 302; of Prairial, 306; final, of Vendémiaire, 317–323.

Riouffe, Girondin, iii. 176; to Bordeaux, 177; in prison, 189; on death of Girondins, 199; on Mme. Roland, 209.

Rivarol, staff of genius, ii. 225.

Robespierre, Maximilien, account of, i. 141; derided in Constituent Assembly, 221; Jacobin, ii. 31, 114; incorruptible, on tip of left, 114; elected public accuser, 136; after King's flight, 167; at close of Assembly, 199; at Arras, position of, 202; plans in 1792, 235; chief priest of Jacobins, 246; invisible on August Tenth, 290; reappears, iii. 7; on September Massacre, 41; in National Convention, 48; accused by Girondins, 75; accused by Louvet, 85; acquitted, 87; on Mirabeau's bust, 90; King's trial, 91, 103; Condorcet on, 130; at Queen's trial, 195; in Salut Committee, 231; and Paris Municipality, 232; embraces Danton, 251; Desmoulins and, 252; and Danton, 255; Danton on, at trial, 258; his three scoundrels, 258; supreme, 260; to be assassinated, 265; at Feast of Être Suprême, 266–268; apocalyptic, Théot, 268, 273; on Couthon's plot-decree, 268; reserved, 274; his schemes, 275; fails in Convention, 276; applauded at Jacobins, 277; accused, 279; rescued, 281; at Townhall, declared out of law, 282; half-killed, 284; guillotined, 285; essential to Revolution, 287.

Robespierre, Augustin, decreed accused, iii. 280; fall of, guillotined, 285.

Rochambeau, one of Four Generals, ii. 71; retires, 254.

Roche-Aymon, Grand Almoner of Louis xv., i. 16, 23.

Rochefoucault, Duke de la, Liberal, i. 145; President of Directory, ii. 268; killed, iii. 44.

Rœderer, Syndic, Feuillant, ii. 259; Chronicle of Fifty Days, 261; on Fédérés Ammunition, 287; dilemma at Tuileries, August Tenth, 289, 296.

Rohan, Cardinal, Diamond Necklace and, i. 57.

Roland, Madame, notice of, at Lyons, ii. 45; narrative by, 47; in Paris, after King's flight, 167; and Barbaroux, 219; public dinners and business, 248; character of, 248; misgivings of, iii. 78; accused, 99; Girondin declining, 130; arrested, 163; in prison, condemned, 209; guillotined, 210.

Roland, M., notice of, ii. 46; in Paris, 219; Minister (no buckles), 247; letter, and dismissal of, 256; recalled, 306; decline of, iii. 5; on September Massacres, 39; and Pache, 77; doings of, 77; resigns, 111; fled, 163; suicide of, 212.

Romme, in National Convention, iii. 49; in Caen prison, 166; his new Calendar, 183–186; in riot of Prairial, 1795, 308; suicide, 310.

Romœuf, pursues the King, ii. 168; at Varennes, 184.

Ronsin, General of Revolutionary Army, iii. 214, 229; arrested, 249; guillotined, 253.

Rosière, Thuriot de la, summons Bastille, i. 189; in First Parliament, ii. 207; in National Convention, iii. 96; President at Robespierre's fall, 279.

Rossignol, in September Massacre, iii. 16; in La Vendée, 214.

Rousseau, Jean Jacques, Contrat Social of, i. 54; Gospel according to, ii. 38, 200 (iii. 204); burial-place of, 145; statue decreed to, 199.

Roux, M., Histoire Parlementaire, iii. 203.

Royalists, Club of, extinguished, ii. 33; named 'Blacks,' '116; duelling, 116–119; poniards, 123, 132; staff of genius of, 225, 234; preparations made at Coblentz, 230.

Royalty, signs of, demolished, ii. 165, 305; abolished in France, iii. 59.

Royou, editor of Ami du Roi, ii. 233.