Page:Works of Thomas Carlyle - Volume 04.djvu/380

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Staal, Dame de, on liberty, ii. 26.

Staël, Mme. de, at States-General procession, i. 135; intrigues for Narbonne, ii. 226, 249; secretes Narbonne, iii. 10, 14.

Stanhope and Price, their club and Paris, ii. 21.

States-General, first mooted, i. 79, 82, 89; meeting announced, 107; how constituted, 115 (see Estate, Third); one or three orders in? 119; Representatives to, 170; Parlements against, 125; Deputies to, in Paris, 127; number of Deputies, 131; place of assembling, 133; procession of, 134–146; installed, 149; hats on, hats off, 150; union of orders? 152–159.

Stofflet, of La Vendée, iii. 298.

Strasburg, riot at, in 1789, i. 230; St. Just, shoes and beds, iii. 234.

Suffren, Admiral, notice of, i. 45.

Sugar, why scarce, ii. 222; the remedy, 222.

Sulleau, Royalist, editor, ii. 233; massacred, 293.

Supper, Fraternal, iii. 264.

Surnames, Hénault on, i. 1.

Suspect, Law of the, iii. 191; Chaumette jeered on, 250.

Suspicion, in France, 1788, i. 126; in Revolution, iii. 155.

Sweden, King of, to assist Marie-Antoinette, ii. 158; shot by Ankarström, 230.

Swiss Guards at Brest, liberated, feasted, ii. 252, 253; prisoners at La Force, iii. 28.

Talleyrand-Perigord, Bishop, notice of, i. 147; at fatherland's altar, his blessing, ii. 64; excommunicated, 155; in London, 202; to America, iii. 113.

Tallien, notice of, ii. 18; editor of Ami des Citoyens, 233; in Committee of Townhall, August 1792, iii. 7; in National Convention, 49; at Bordeaux, 200; and Madame Cabarus, 214; recalled, suspect, 274; accuses Robespierre, 279; Thermidorian, 291.

Talma, actor, his soirée, iii. 65.

Tannery of human skins, iii. 246; improvements in, 243.

Tardivet: see Repaire.

Target, Advocate, declines King's defence, iii. 94.

Tassin, M., and black cockade, i. 249.

Tax, Ascending, iii. 143.

Telegraph invented, iii. 243.

Tennis-Court, National Assembly in, i. 162; Club of, and procession to, ii. 51; master of, rewarded, 200.

Terray, Abbé, dissolute financier, i. 3, 30.

Terror, consummation of, iii, 202; reign of, designated, 203; number guillotined in, 211.

Théatins Church, granted to Dissidents, ii. 151.

Théot, Prophetess, on Robespierre, iii. 268, 273.

Thermidor, Ninth and Tenth, July 27 and 28, 1794, iii. 278–286.

Théroigne, Mdlle., notice of, i. 135; in Insurrection of Women, 254; at Versailles (October Fifth), 264; in Austrian prison, ii. 186; in Jacobin tribune, 245; accoutred for Insurrection (August Tenth), 288, 293; keeps her carriage, iii. 132; fustigated, insane, 154.

Thionville besieged, iii. 12; siege raised, 57.

Thouret, Law-reformer, ii. 6; dissolves Assembly, 200; guillotined, iii. 262.

Thouvenot and Dumouriez, iii. 21.

Tinville, Fouquier, revolutionist, ii. 19; Jacobin, 31; Attorney-General in Tribunal Révolutionnaire, iii. 141; at trial of Queen, 195; at trial of Girondins, 197; brutal, at trial of Mme. Roland, 210; at trial of Danton, 257, 258; and Salut Public, 258; his prison-plots, 259, 261; his batches, 261; the prisons under, mock doom of, 270–273; at trial of Robespierre, 285; accused, guillotined, 304.

Tithes, titles, etc. abolished, i. 219; ii. 52.

Tollendal, Lally, pleads for father, i. 86; in States-General, 145; popular, crowned, 201.

Torné, Bishop, and Costumes, ii. 240.

Toulon, Girondin, iii. 174; occupied by English, 187; besieged, 218; surrenders, 220.

Toulongeon, Marquis, notice of, ii. 6; on Barnave triumvirate, 189; describes Jacobins Hall, 245.

Tournay, Louis, at siege of Bastille, i. 191.

Tourzelle, Dame de, escapes, iii. 16.

Trenck, Baron, in Paris, ii. 21.

Tribunal Extraordinaire, iii. 141; Révolutionnaire, doings of, 192; extended, 268.

Tricolor cockade, i. 180.

Tronchet, Advocate, defends King, iii. 94, 104.

Truth and Falsehood, i. 213.

Tuileries, Louis xvi. lodged at, ii. 2; a tile-field, 5; Twentieth June at, 259; tickets of entry, 'Coblentz,' 280; Marseillese chase Filles-Saint-Thomas