Page:Works of Thomas Carlyle - Volume 04.djvu/381

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to, 283; August Tenth, 287, 296; King quits for ever, 297; attacked, 298; captured, 301; occupied by National Convention, iii. 151.

Turgot, Controller of France, i. 30; on Corn-law, 34; dismissed, 41; death of, 87.

Tyrants, French People risen against, iii. 190, 236.

United States, assert Liberty, i. 7; embassy to Louis xvi., 44; aided by France, 45; of Congress in, 222.

Ushant, sea-fight, i. 45.

Valadi, Marquis, notice of, i. 135; Gardes Françaises and, 172; guillotined, iii. 200.

Valazé, Girondin, ii. 206; on trial of Louis, iii. 84; plots at his house, 157; trial of, 198; stabs himself, 198.

Valenciennes, besieged, iii. 166; surrendered, 180.

Valmy, action at, iii. 56.

Varenne, Maton de la. Advocate, his experiences in September, iii. 16.

Varennes, described, ii. 179–182; Prussians occupy, iii. 19.

Varigny, Bodyguard, massacred, October Fifth, i. 278.

Varlet, 'Apostle of Liberty,' iii. 98, 118, 135; arrested, 156.

Vendée, La, Commissioners to, ii. 220; state of, in 1792, 235; insurrection in, iii. 11; war, after King's death, 134, 186; on fire, 214; pacificated, 298.

Vendémiaire, Thirteenth, Oct. 4, 1795, iii. 317–320.

Vengeur, sinking of the, iii. 241.

Verbs, Irregular, National Assembly at, i. 215.

Verdun, to be besieged, iii. 12, 18; surrendered, 19.

Vergennes, M. de. Prime Minister, i. 62; death of, 73.

Vergniaud, notice of, ii. 205; too languid, 242; during August Tenth, 303; orations of, iii. 4; President at King's condemnation, 104; in fall of Girondins, 158; trial of, 198; at last supper of Girondins, 199.

Vermond, Abbé de. Queen's reader, i. 74.

Versailles, death of Louis xv. at, i. 2, 24; Tennis-Court, 163; in Bastille time, National Assembly at, 184, 200; troops to, 244; march of women on, 254; of French Guards on, 258; halt of women near, 260; insurrection scene at, 262; the Château forced, 277; Orléans prisoners massacred at, iii. 46.

Veto, question of the, i. 241; ii. 238, 258, 262; eluded, 268.

Viard, Spy, Mme. Roland and, iii. 99.

Vilate, Juryman, guillotined, iii. 304; book by, 305.

Villaret-Joyeuse, Admiral, beaten by Howe, iii. 241.

Villaumes, milliners, their patriotic gift, iii. 11.

Villequier, Duke de, emigrates, ii. 133.

Vincennes, Castle, to be repaired, ii. 128; riot at, 129; saved by Lafayette, 131.

Vincent, of War-Office, iii. 229; arrested, 249; guillotined, 253.

Voltaire, at Paris, described, i. 42; burial-place of, ii. 144.

War, civil, manual and lingual, ii. 15; French, becomes general, 96.

Washington, key of Bastille sent to, i. 209; formula for Lafayette, 145; ii. 308.

Watigny, Battle of, iii. 239.

Weber, Queen's foster-brother, in Insurrection of Women, i. 275, 288; in National Guard, ii. 256; Queen leaving Vienna, iii. 196.

Weissembourg, lines of, iii. 240.

Westermann, in August Tenth, ii. 296; purged out of the Jacobins, iii. 251; tried, guillotined, 257.

Wimpfen, Girondin General, iii. 165, 175.

Women, patriotic gifts by, i, 240; revolutionary speeches by, 249; Insurrection of, 250; at Hôtel-de-Ville, 252; march to Versailles, 254; deputation of, to Assembly, 262; to King, 263; corrupt the Guards, 265; would hang their deputy, 266; in fight, at Versailles, 278; selling sugar, cry of soap, iii. 116; 'Megæras,' 154; Hérault and Heroines, 182.

York, Duke of, besieges Valenciennes, iii. 166; Dunkirk, 238.

Young, Arthur, at French Revolution, i. 225–231.

Youth, Gilt, iii. 295, 309.