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"Yes. Here is a place where we can crawl under very easily."

"Yes, but what are you going to do after you are under the building?"

"Get inside."

"Is there a trap door?"

"No, but I know where a couple of boards are loose in the flooring, and we can shove them up easily."

"Oh! All right, go ahead, and I'll follow."

A moment later Ham Spink let himself down in a little hole beside the boathouse. Here his feet were close to the water, but he supported himself on a cross rail nailed from one section of the spiling to another. Carl Dudder followed him, and both moved cautiously forward to the front end of the building. Once Ham slipped and a slight splash followed.

"What's that?" cried Carl, in alarm, for he was decidedly nervous.

"My foot slipped, that's all," was the answer.

"Is it deep under here?"

"Not over four or five feet."

"Where are those loose boards?"

"Right here. Now take hold of that end and we'll soon have them up and be inside the building," answered Ham.