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While Ham and Carl were moving around under the boathouse, Shep and Snap were not idle. The doctor's son, on awakening, had wanted to throw the flour paste out of the window at the midnight prowlers, but Snap thought of another plan.

"Come on below, and wait until they shove up the flooring," he whispered.

The doctor's son understood, and with caution, so as not to make any noise, the two chums came down out of the tiny loft, bringing with them the pail and the tin can of awful-smelling flour paste.

It was absolutely dark below, but they could plainly hear Ham and Carl working on the loose boards of the floor near the river end of the boathouse. Thither they made their way. Snap with the pail and Shep with the can, both ready for action.

Slowly one board was lifted and pushed aside and a second followed. Then two heads appeared in the gloom.

"Robbers!" cried Snap.