Page:Younger Edda (Anderson, 1880).djvu/282

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Fal. a dwarf.

Falhofner. One of the horses of the gods.

Farbaute. The father of Loke.

Farmagod. One of the names of Odin.

Farmatyr. One of the names of Odin.

Fenja. a female slave who ground at Frode 's mill.

Fenris-wolf. The monster wolf, son of Loke.

Fensaler. The abode of Frigg.

Fid. a dwarf.

File. A dwarf.

Fimafeng. Æger"'s servant.

FiMBUL. One of the streams flowing from Hvergelmer.

FiMBULTHUL. One of the streams flowing from Hvergelmer.

FiMBUL-TYR. The unknown god.

FiMBUL- WINTER. The great and awful winter of three years'

duration preceding Ragnarok. FiNNSLEiF. A byrnie belonging to King Adils, of Upsala. Fjalar. a dwarf. Fjolner. a name of Odin. FjOLSviD. A name of Odin. Fjorgvin. The mother of Frigg and of Thor. Fjorm. One of the streams flowing from Hvergelmer. FoLKVANG. Freyja's abode.

Form. One of the streams flowing from Hvergelmer. FoRNJOT. The ancient giant; the father of Æger. Forsete. The peace-maker; son of Balder and Nanna. Frananger Force. The waterfall into which Loke cast himself

in the likeness of a salmon. Freke. One of Odin's wolves. Frey. Son of Njord and husband of Skade. Freyja. The daughter of Njord and sister of Frey. Fridleif. a son of Skjold. Frigg. Wife of Odin and mother of the gods. Frode. Grandson of Skjold, Froste. a dwarf. FuLLA. Frigg's attendant. FuNDiN. A dwarf. Fyre. A river in Sweden. Gagnrad. a name of Odin. Galar. a dwarf. Gandolp. a dwarf.