Page:Younger Edda (Anderson, 1880).djvu/283

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Gang. A giant.

GkNGLAKE. A name of Odin.

Ganglate. HeFs man-servant.

Ga-nglere. a name of Odin.

Gi.NGLOT. Hel 's maid-servant.

Gangrad. a name of Odin.

Gajidrofa. a horse.

Gai.m. a dog that barks at Ragnarok.

Gaut. A name of Odin.

Gefjun. a goddess; she is present at Æger's feast.

Gefi. One of the names of Freyja.

Geiiahod. a Valkyrie.

Geikrod. a giant visited by Thor.

Geir Skogul. A valkyrie.

Geirt^imul. One of the streams flowing from Hvergelmer.

Gelg/a. The fetter with which the Fenris-wolf was chained.

Gerd A beautiful giantess, daughter of Gymer.

Gere One of Odin's wolves.

GerSaME. One of the daughters of Freyja.

GiLLi.'^G. Father of Suttung, who possessed the poetic mead.

GiMLs. The abode of the righteous after Ragnarok,

GiNNiR. A dwarf.

GiNUS^GAGAP. The premundane abyss.

GiPUJ. One of the streams flowing from Hvergelmer.

GiSL. One of the horses of the gods.

Gjailar-bridge. The bridge across the river Gjol, near Helheim.

Gjailar-horn. Heimdal's horn.

Gjailar-river. The river near Helheim.

GjAjP. One of the daughters of Geirrod.

GjUiE. A king in Germany, visited by Sigurd.

Gladsheim. Odin's dweUing.

GLiM. The name of a giant.

GlaPSVID. a name of Odin.

Glaser. A grove in Asgard.

GiEiPNER. The last fetter with which the wolf Fenrer was bound.

GiENER. The husband of Sol (sun).

Gl,er. One of the horses of the gods.

Glitner. Forsete's hall.

CfLOiN. A dwarf.

0-NA. Frigg's messenger.

jrNiPA-CAVE. The cavc before which the dog Garm barks.