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ate a multitude of minds from the Bohemian court, and thus expose the country to invite attack when divided against itself. “Aye, well,” thundered Ladislaus; “let them fight; let them tear each other; and then perhaps may come my better opportunity.”

“Such madness has often proved the ruin of nations,” sententiously interposed Solomon, “and perhaps Hungary is not free from error in that direction.”

“You are right,” exclaimed Ladislaus, looking at him sharply. “What has become of old Lord Boppo von Osterna? A braver knight or a truer spear never bore crusade tothe Baltic or elsewhere. I would the hero were younger; I would give him commission and some force behind it, to represent my challenge in Moravia.” Solomon explained that when last heard from the old man still remained at Gran; but now far advanced in years, if still alive. “I must request permission to retire by way of Gran to Moravia, under the present conjuncture,’ observed Solomon. “Should the gallant old lord be still living, I will advise your highness at once.”

“And should you do so,” replied the king, “I will authorize Lord Boppo to denounce, in my name, the King of Bohemia’s treachery; to declare him unworthy of the service of a true knight; and to announce to him openly that I shall visit on himself the just recompense of his villainy.”

“I apprehend,” said Solomon, “that King Wenzel has had the least of all the court to do with this, or in fact any other state affair. All is dictated to him from Vienna. King Wenzel does not rule in his