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own palace. If a challenge is to be given, let it be addressed to the real culprit at Vienna, or the still greater culprit who is Vienna’s master. We may denounce the wickedness or the folly of a king, and we may condemn his policy for not leading his nation in the way of wisdom. But a king with one voice can effect but little if a thousand pulpits thunder against him; especially as the pulpits assume to wield the powers of heaven and of hades. Wenzel holds his throne in pupilage and subjection. The new power that has dishonored the Lord Zawis is the same that conspired against Otakar, and abandoned him after exacting the best services and treasure of his kingdom.”

“In order to save time,” observed Ladislaus, “before you depart I will have a packet prepared to deliver to old Lord Boppo, should he still live. If not, you can carefully destroy it.”

Solomon promised strict compliance; and having instructed two of his nation to occupy his place, and administer to the sick as best they could, he took a speedy departure for Gran.

But here aserious embarrassment presented itself. Either Ladislaus did not know or had momentarily forgotten the close relationship between Eudocia and the old lord. He could not himself introduce so extremely delicate a topic at that moment. On the other hand Lord Boppo believed that the dreadful fate of his daughter had resulted from the direct edict of the king of Hungary. Solomon had reason to believe that if Ladislaus had been aware of even