4290633Pindar and Anacreon — Ode 30Thomas BourneAnacreon


Cupid, once, was rambling found
On the Muses' hallow'd ground;
Straight they weave a rosy chain,
And the little god detain.
Him to Beauty soon they gave,
Mighty Love is Beauty's slave.
Cytherea ransoms brought,
To release her son she sought;
But no fee, no ransom now,
The happy captive will allow.
Love hath learn'd his art too well,
And with Beauty still will dwell.

  1. "This ode is very fine, and the fiction extremely ingenious. I believe Anacreon would inculcate that beauty alone cannot long secure a conquest, but that when wit and beauty meet, it is impossible for a lover to disengage himself."—Madame Dacier.