I N D E X.

Advertisements, Quack 121
Africa, Elephant-Service 860
America, Ancient Sun-Worship and the Cross in 711
American Forestry 419
Anæsthetics, The Manageable Zone of 716
Animal and Plant Life, A Partnership of 835
Animals, Domestic, The Introduction of 246
Animal Self-Defense. (Illustrated.) 595
Anthropology, Suggestions to Observers in 139
Apo, The Mysterious Volcano of 429
Aquarides, The, or July Meteors 424
Archaeological Researches, American 561
Architecture, Acoustic 454
Area of the United States, Calculating the 572
Arnold, Matthew 737
Aryans. The Original Home of the 571
Association, The American 561
Association, The American 855
Association, The British 562
Astronomical Panics 192
Astronomical Symbols, Origin of the 425
Astronomy, Chaldean 858
Atlantic Coast, Old and New Latitudes on the 574
Aurora Borealis, Forms of 286
Ayres, Dr. W. O. 350

Bachelor, O. R., M.D. 100
Bacteria, Disadvantages and Advantages of 709
Badoureau, M. 391
Beecher on Theology and Evolution 697
Bell, Sir Charles, and Physiological Experimentation 178
Bill, M. B. 788
Bird, A Gigantic Fossil. (Illustrated.) 467
Book-Men, The 470
Books noticed:
"Physical Education" (Oswald) 127
"Voyage of the Vega" (Nordenskiold) 128
"Origin and Growth of Religion" (Davids) 130
"Bacteria" (Cohn) 131
"Beliefs about Man" (Savage) 131
"Transactions of the Georgia Medical Association" (Campbell) 131
"The Universe" (Pouchet) 132
"The Gospel of the Stars" (Seiss) 132
"Voice-Production" (Patton) 133
"The Study of Trance" (Beard) 133
"Sparks from a Geologist's Hammer" (Winchell) 133
"Principles of Chemical Philosophy" (Cooke) 133
"Report of the Astronomical Observatory of Harvard College" (Pickering) 134
"Palaeolithic Implements of the Valley of the Delaware" 134
"Analysis of Milk and Milk-Foods" (Gerber) 134
"The Brain of the Cat" (Wilder) 134
"Publications of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology" 135
"The Science of Mind" (Bascom) 135
"Myth and Science" (Vignoli) 270
"Easy Lessons in Science" (Barrett) 271
"Die chemische Ursache des Lebens" (Loew and Bokorny) 272
"The Oyster Industry" (Ingersoll) 272
"The Seal Islands of Alaska" (Elliott) 272
"The Areas of the United States" (Gannett) 273
"Statistics of the Production of the Precious Metals in the United States" (King) 273
"Report of the Chief Signal-Officer of the Army" (1881) 273
"The Constants of Nature Atomic Weights" (Clarke) 273
"The Chemistry of Cooking and Cleaning" (Richards) 274
"The Geological and Natural History Survey of Minnesota" (1880) (Winchell) 274
"La Lumire Electrique" (Alglave and Boulard) 274
"Bi-Monetism" (Stringham) 275
"Guides for Science Teaching" (Hyatt and Crosby) 275
"The New Ethics" (Sewall) 275
"Proceedings of the Boston Society of Natural History" (1880) 275
"How to make the Best of Life" (Mortimer Granville) 276
"Report on Diphtheria" (Staples) 276
"The Use of Tobacco" (Hinds) 276
"The Temple rebuilt" (Abbe) 276
"Incandescent Electric Lights" (Du Moncel and Preece) 276
"Diseases of Memory" (Ribot) 410
"The Present Religious Crisis" (Blauvelt) 411
"Egyptian Obelisks" (Gorringe) 413
"The Properties and Motions of Fluids" (Stanley) 414
"Myron Holley" (Wright) 415
"Report of the Connecticut Agricultural-Experiment Station" (1881) 416
"The Occult World" (Sinnett) 416
"Marriage and Parentage" 416
"The New Infidelity" (Grote) 416
"Elementary Treatise on Electricity" (Maxwell) 417
"Management and Feeding of Infants" (Keating) 417
"Opium-Smoking in America and China" (Kane) 417
"Study of the Various Sources of Sugar" (Ware) 417
"Vaccination" (Edwards) 418
"First Aid to the Injured" (Shepherd) 418
"Ants, Bees, and Wasps" (Lubbock) 550
"Capital and Population" (Hawley) 551
"John Stuart Mill" (Bain) 551
"Medical Adviser in Life Insurance" (Sieveking) 552
"Geological Survey of New Jersey" (1881) 553
"From River to Sea" (Gleed) 553
"Political Institutions" (Spencer) 553
"Production of the Precious Metals in the United States" (King) 554
"Hand-Book of Invertebrate Zoölogy" (Brooks) 554
"The Floating Matter of the Air" (Tyndall) 555
"A Dictionary of Music and Musicians" (Grove) 556
"Our Homes" (Hartshorne) 556
"The Wine Question" (Ellis) 556
"The Rhymester" (Hood) 556
"The Books of all Time" (Leypoldt and Jones) 556
"A Reading Diary of Modern Fiction" 557
"Practice of Commercial Organic Analysis" (Allen) 557
"Currency" (Willson) 557
"History of the Water-Supply of the World" (Bell) 558
"Dictionary of the French Language" (Masson) 558
"How the Great Prevailing Winds and Ocean-Currents are produced" (Taber) 558
"Primary Helps" (for the Kindergarten) (Hailmann) 558
"Geology of the Henry Mountains" (Gilbert) 559
"A Bibliography of Fossil Insects" (Scudder) 559
"Tables for the Determination, Description, and Classification of Minerals" (Foye) 559
"A Geographical Reader" (Johonnot) 699
"The Science of Ethics" (Stephen) 700
"Modern Applications of Electricity" (Hospitalier) 700
"Etymological Dictionary of the English Language" (Skeat) 701
"Our Merchant Marine" (Wells) 702
"Science Ladders" (D'Anvers) 702
"The Gospel of Law" (Stewart) 703
"Manual of Object-Teaching" (Calkins) 703
"Treatment of Common Accidents and Diseases" (Turner) 703
"Good Cheer" 703
"Copyright in Books" (Dawson) 704
"Treatise on Diseases of the Skin" (Duhring) 704
"Errors in the Use of English" (Hodgson) 704
"American College Directory" 705
"What is Bright's Disease?" (Pancoast) 705
"Kant's 'Critique of Pure Reason'" (Morris) 705
"Psychology of the Salem Witchcraft" (Beard) 706
"Geological Sketches" (Geikie) 706
"Natural Religion" (by the author of "Ecce Homo") 847
"Ernestine" (Von Hillern) 850
"Practical Microscopy" (Davis) 851
"Guide to the Flora of Washington and Vicinity" (Ward) 852
"Reminiscences of Oriel College" (Mozely) 853
"Students' Guide in Quantitative Analysis" (Bolton) 854
"Astronomy for Schools and General Readers" (Sharpless) 854
Borax in America. (Illustrated.) 350
Boston Water-Supply, Purification of the 136
Bowen, Eliza A. 218
Brachiopoda, The Systematic Position of the 428
Brandt, K. 836
British Schools, Sanitary Reports of 138
Brown, Allan D. 773
Brown, Rev. E. Woodward 60
Brush, Professor George J. 795
Bryce, Peter, M.D. 239
Buell, Charles J. 122
Burmese Tribe, A Curious 328
Burnett, Dr. Swan M. 86

California, The Eucalyptus in 710
Carpenter, Dr. William B 178
Chemistry in High-Schools 218
Chinese, The: Their Manners and Customs 679
Cities, The Development of. (Illustrated.) 391
Civilization, Food and 282
Clarke, F. W. 171
Climate, Forests and 562
Clouds? What are 751
Coal-Dust, Diseases from 718
College Government 549
College Officers, The Appointment of 171
Collens, Hon. T. Wharton 470
Color-Blindness and Color-Perception 86
Color-Names and Color-Sense 719
Correspondence 121
Correspondence 406
Country, The Topmost, of the Earth 527
Culture, Science and 123
Cushing, F. H. 186
Cuttle-Fishes, Past and Present of the. (Illustrated.) 753

Darwin, Charles R., LL.D., Sketch of 260
Darwin, Charles Robert 266
Darwin Memorial, The 699
Davis, Charles E., L.B. 121
Deaf and Dumb, Lip-Teaching for the 858
Deaf-Mutes, Provincial Accents among 279
Decay, How Plants resist 524
De Rochas, M.A. 645
Diamonds, Brazilian, and their Origin 610
Dieulafait, M. 826
Discovery, Egyptological 716
Discussion, A Premature 376
Disease, Progress of the Germ Theory of 462
Disinfectants, Value of 863
Döllinger, Dr. J. von 205
Döllinger, Dr. J. von 300
Donkin, Horatio 634
Doubt, Delusions of 788
Drunkenness, The Utility of 785
Du Bois-Reymond, Emil 317
Du Bois-Reymond, Emil 433
Ducks, Wild, Domestication of 280
Dumas, Littré, Pasteur, and Taine 667
Earth, The, A New Weighing of 565
Earth-Worms, Influence of, on Plants 122
Eclipse, Solar Observations of the Last 572
Editor's Table 123
Editor's Table 266
Editor's Table 406
Editor's Table 544
Editor's Table 696
Editor's Table 843
Education, Industrial, in the Public Schools 809
Education, National, and National Necessities 444
Eggs of Reptiles and Insects as Food 429
Egleston, N. H. 1
Egyptological Discovery 716
Electric Storage-Batteries 408
Electromania 650
Elephants, About. (Illustrated.) 480
Ensilage, Experiments in 707
Entertaining Varieties 112
Entertaining Varieties 402
Entertaining Varieties 541
Entertaining Varieties 692
Eucalyptus, The, in California 710
Evolution, Mozley on 767
Exercise, Du Bois-Reymond on 544
Exercise, The Physiology of 317
Exercise, The Physiology of 433
Expeditions, French Exploring 570
Experimentation, Physiological, Sir Charles Bell and 178
Explosions and Explosives 773
Fairchild, H. L. 595
Fire, Trials by, and Fire-Jugglers 645
Fishes, Dr. Günther on the Study of 383
Fishes, Eye-like Organs of 164
Flesh-eating no Sin 711
Flies, How, climb 711
Flower, An Insect-lodging 572
Flowering Plant, The Oldest 570
Fly, The Hessian 136
Focke, W. O. 524
Food and Civilization 282
Food-Colors, Poisonous 717
Food-Plants, Pedigree Selection in 859
Foot, The, and how it should be treated 714
Force, Matter and, Definitions of 406
Forestry, American 419
Forestry, Scientific 856
Forests and Climate 562
Forest, The Great Arctic 569
Galton, Francis 53
Geological Influences in English History 564
Geometry, Transcendental 507
George, Hector 663
Germ Theory of Disease, The, Progress of 462
Gold, Origin of Native 140
Gorceix, M. H. 610
Graham, Douglas, M.D. 721
Grave-yard, A Merovingian 715
Günther, Dr., on the Study of Fishes 383

Hair, Sudden Whitening of the 520
Haldeman, Professor S. S., Sketch of, with Portrait 395
Harvest-Time 574
History, English, Geological Influences in 564
Horse, The, in America 284
Houses, Sanitary Inspection of 430
Hydrocarbon, A New Natural 141
Hydrodynamics and Electricity 253

Iles, George 331
Illumination, Electric and Gas 577
Implements, Palæolithic, American and European 718
Indians, Southern, The Mound-Builders and the 563
Indigo, Synthesis of 283
Insane, Unscientific Treatment of the 706
Insanity, Neglect of the Study of 712
Insects, Fossil 567
Investigators, Wealthy Scientific 696

Jacques, William W., Ph.D. 454
Japan, Scientific Societies in 566
Jelly-Fish, An Ideal 426
Jewish Tribe, A Newly Discovered 710
Jews, The, in Europe 205
Jews, The, in Europe 300

Kepley, Ada H. 122
Kingsley, J. S. 687
Kirkwood, Daniel 192
Krause, Dr. Ernst 164
Kreitler, Lieutenant G. 328
Kreitler, Lieutenant G. 527

Lakes, Temperature of Water at Top and Bottom of 137
Land Formation on our Globe, The Law of 861
Lane, Alfred C. 507
Latitudes, Old and New, on the Atlantic Coast 574
Lauth, Charles 310
Lead in Food and the Industrial Arts 708
Le Sueur, W. D. 96
Light and Heat, Origin of the Sun's 278
Lion-Tamer's, A Method 714
Literary Notices 127
Literary Notices 270
Literary Notices 410
Literary Notices 550
Literary Notices 699
Literary Notices 847
Literature and Science 737
Literature and Science, Matthew Arnold on 843
Littré, Dumas, Pasteur, and Taine 667
London, Improved Sanitary Condition of 423
Longevity 587
Lovett, Robert W. 34
Lubbock, Sir John, Sketch of 104
Lungren, C. M. 577

Machinery, Recent Applications of Science to 565
Malaria, The Microbe of 563
Mammoth, Folk-Lore of the 137
Manufactory, The Poisons of the 663
Massage: Its Mode of Application and Effects 721
Mastodon, Recent Existence of the 138
Matter and Force, Definitions of 406
McBride, T. H. 289
Meats, Some Rare 139
Medal, The Albert 713
Medical Schools, A Criticism of 279
Melograph, The Repeating 142
Memorial, The Darwin 699
Men, Measurements of 53
Merrick, T. B. 121
Meteorograph, The 717
Meteorology, Tree 713
Meteors, The Aquarides, or July 424
Method, A Lion-Tamer's 714
Meunier, Stanislas 467
Mexico, The Mound-Builders in 860
Microbe, The, of Malaria 563
Mind, The Future of 239
Mineralogy, The Progress of American 795
Miracles not out of Date 281
Molds, About the. (Illustrated.) 244
Monkeys 20
Moon, Is the, red-hot? 571
Moon, Mountains of the 112
Morais, Nina 70
Morfit C. 751
Mound-Builders, The, and the Southern Indians 563
Mountains, The Timber-Line of 857
Mud-Volcanoes in Sicily 569
Music, The Relation of, to Mental Progress 378
Mythology, Anthropoid 655

Necessities, National, and National Education 444
Nordenskiold, Baron Adolf Eric, Sketch of, with Portrait 533
Notes 143
Notes 287
Notes 431
Notes 575
Notes 719
Notes 863

Obesity and its Treatment 426
Obituary 575
Odors, On the Diffusion of 84
Officers, College, The Appointment of 171
Oölite, How, may be formed 708
Orang-Outang, Number of Species of the 861
Oswald, Felix, M. D. 587
Oswald, Felix, M. D. 817

Palæolithic Implements, American and European 718
Panics, Astronomical 192
Parasites 141
Parasitism, Reciprocal 426
Pasteur, Littré, Dumas, and Taine 667
Pearce, S. Austen, Mus. Doc, Oxon 378
Periodicals, Scientific, Catalogue of 421
Perkins, Professor George H. 637
Persian Gulf, The Salt Deposits of the 568
Photometer, A Selenium 863
Physician, The, of the Future 637
Physics, Modern, Stallo's Concepts of 96
Physiognomic Curiosities 817
Piseco Lake-Trout, and T-Lake Falls 424
Placzek, Dr. B. 655
Plant-Cells and their Contents. (Illustrated.) 289
Plants, How, resist Decay 524
Plants, The Protective Organs of 284
Plants, The Oldest Flowering 570
Poisons, The, of the Manufactory 663
Popular Miscellany 136
Popular Miscellany 277
Popular Miscellany 419
Popular Miscellany 560
Popular Miscellany 707
Popular Miscellany 855
Porcelain, and the Art of its Production 310
Pressure, Atmospheric, and the Sea-Level 562
Priestley, Dr. 121
Princeton, The Great Telescope at 560
Progress, Mental, The Relation of Music to 378
Progress, The Slow, of Ideas 548
Propeller, The Screw 430
Property, Problems of 331
Protoplasm 361
Publications Received 135
Publications Received 277
Publications Received 418
Publications Received 559
Publications Received 706
Publications Received 855

Quack Advertisements 121
Quinine, The Tree that bears 100

Race, A New, in Course of Development 566
Rain-Fall, The Laws of 423
Randle, E. H. 406
Reciprocal Parasitism 426
Reproach, A Very Modern 268
Researches, American Archæological 561
Richardson, Benjamin Ward, M.D., F.R.S. 444
Rock Excavator, A Mechanical. (Illustrated.) 427
Rocks, Vibration of 406
Rogers, Professor William B., Death of 429
Rutherford, R. C. 84

Salmon-Disease, The 421
Salt Deposits, The, of the Persian Gulf 568
Sanitary Inspection of Houses 430
Sanitary Objects, Co-operation of Medical Officers and People in 861
Say, Thomas, Sketch of, with Portrait 687
Scarlatina, The Soil and 858
Schools, British, Sanitary Reports of 138
Schools, Public, Science in the 122
Science and Culture 123
Science in the Public Schools 122
Science, Recent Applications of, to Machinery 565
Science, Speculative 145
Scientific Meeting, The Montreal 846
Sea-Level, Atmospheric Pressure and the 562
Seeds, Clouds of 142
Seeds, The Germination and Vitality of 278
Self-Defense, Animal. (Illustrated.) 595
Senses, The Development of the 34
Sewage-Irrigation in German Cities 568
Sewerage of Large Villages 277
Siberian Products 281
Siemens, C. William 223
Signs, More, of the Times 545
Sioux Superstitions 422
Smith, Professor Goldwin, as a Critic 18
Societies, Scientific, in Japan 566
Sociology, Spencer's Descriptive 406
Sound-Shadows in Water 420
Spencer, Herbert 18
Spencer, Herbert 767
Spencer's Descriptive Sociology 406
Spider, My 513
Spiders, Silk-spinning 281
Springs, Intermittent, The Mechanics of. (Illustrated.) 370
Stallo, J. B. 145
Stallo's Concepts of Modern Physics 96
Stars, Variable 709
Stereoscope, The, Its History. (Illustrated.) 37
Stereoscope, The. Its Theory. (Illustrated.) 197
Stevens, W. Le Conte 37
Stevens, W. Le Conte 197
Storage-Batteries, Electric 408
Straight, Professor H. H. 809
Sugar, The Chemistry of 500
Sun-Spots, What are? 422
Sun, The, A New Theory of 223
Sun-Worship and the Cross in Ancient America 711
Superstitions, Sioux 422
Sword, The Genesis of the. (Illustrated.) 79
Symbols, The Astronomical, Origin of 425

Taine, Littr, Dumas, Pasteur, and 667
Telegraphy, Sea, for Ships 717
Teleradiophone, The 425
Telescope, The Great, at Princeton 560
Terra del Fuegians in Paris 285
Thomson, Wyville 286
Thought, Liberty of 60
"Thought-Reading," A Note on 634
Times, More Signs of the 545
Tobaccoism 284
Topmost Country, The, of the Earth 527
Training-School, Manual, The Functions of an American 621
Tree-Planting, Methods and Profit of 1
Trees, Forest and Shade, Insect Enemies of 280
Tree, The, that bears Quinine 100
Tribe, Jewish, A Newly Discovered 710
Trout, Piseco Lake, and T-Lake Falls 424
Tubercle, The Bacilli of 712
Tubercular Disease, The Cause of 257
Tunnel, What Perils might come out of a 718
Tyndall, Professor 257
Tyndall, Professor 462

Underhill, Mrs. Z. D. 376
Units, Electric 142
Vessels, Armored, A New Plan for 857

Vibration of Rocks 406
Vibrations, Transmission of 428
Villages, Large, Sewerage of 277
Virchow, Professor Rudolf, Sketch of, with Portrait 836
Vivisection, The Ethics of 344
Vivisection, What has been gained by 140
Volcano, An Artificial 140
Volcano, The Mysterious, of Apo 429
Volcanoes, Mud, in Sicily 569

Wallace, Alfred Russel 20
Walterhfer, Dr. Otto 370
Water, Sound-Shadows in 420
Water, Tastes and Smells in 573
Waters, Mineral, The Formation of Saline 826
Wealthy Scientific Investigators 696
White, Francis Emily, M.D. 361
Whitening of the Hair, Sudden 520
Wiley, Professor Harvey W. 500
Wilks, Dr. Samuel 344
Williams, W. Mattieu 650
Williams, W. Mattieu 785
Wilson, Dr. Andrew 480
Wilson, Dr. Andrew 753
Winter, W. H. T. 513
Woman Question: A Reply to Miss Hardaker on the 70
Wood-Ducks, habits of 713
Woodward, Professor C. M., Ph.D. 621
Word-Blindness 574

Zuñi, The, Social, Mythic, and Religious Systems 186