Popular Science Monthly/Volume 56/March 1900/Publications Received


Agricultural Experiment Stations. Bulletins and Reports. Summary of Feeding-Stuffs Law in Force in New York after December 1, 1899. P. 1. Bulletin No. 159. A Pest of Woodland and Grove. (The Forest Tent Caterpillar). By F. H Hall and V. H. Lowe. Pp. 5; No. 160. Report of Analyses of Commercial Fertilizers for the Fall of 1899. By L. S. Van Slyke. Pp. 102; No. 161. Popular Edition. Gooseberry Mildew held in Check. By F. H. Hall and C. P. Close. Pp. 4; Newspaper Summaries of these Three Bulletins. P. 1.

Carter, Oscar C. S. Coastal Topography of the United States. Pp. 30.

Connecticut, State of. Fifteenth Annual Report of the Bureau of Labor Statistics for the Year ending September 30, 1899. Pp. 266.

Densmore, Emmet, M. D. Consumption and Kindred Diseases. (Open-air Treatment.) Brooklyn, N. Y.: The Stillmann Publishing Company. Pp. 138.

Douglas, James, New York City. American Transcontinental Lines. Pp. 56.

Fry, the Right Hon. Sir Edward, and Agnes. The Mycetozoa and some Questions which they Suggest. London: "Knowledge" Office. Pp. 82. 1 shilling.

Gay, Albert, and Yeaman, C. H. An Introduction to the Study of Central Station Electricity Supply. New York: The Macmillan Company. Pp. 167. $3.

Johnston, Charles. The Memory of Past Births. New York: The Metaphysical Publishing Company. Pp. 50. 25 cents.

King, F. H. Irrigation and Drainage. Principles and Practice of their Cultural Phases. New York: The Macmillan Company. Pp. 502. $1.50.

Kunz, George F. The Production of Precious Stones in 1898. United States Geological Survey. Pp. 48, with plate.

Marine Biological Laboratory, at Woods Holl, Mass. Announcement for the Thirteenth Season. July 5 to August 10, 1900. Pp. 12.

McKay, A. H., Halifax, Nova Scotia. Phenological Observations, Canada, 1898. Pp. 20.

McKim, W. Duncan. Heredity and Human Progress. New York: G. P. Putnam's Sons. Pp. 283. $1.50.

Michigan. Thirty-seventh Annual Report of the Secretary of the State Board of Agriculture, and Eleventh Annual Report of the Agricultural College Experiment Station. July 1, 1897, to June 30, 1898. Pp. 740.

New York State Library Bulletin. (Legislation No. 11, January, 1900.) Albany. Pp. 395. 25 cents.

Parker, T. Jaffrey, and Haswell, William A. A Manual of Zoölogy. Revised and adapted for the use of American Schools and Colleges. New York: The Macmillan Company. Pp. 163. $1.60.

Peet, Stephen Denison. The Cliff-Dwellers and the Pueblos. Chicago: Office of the American Antiquarian. Pp. 398.

Smithsonian Institution. List of Publications available for Distribution. December, 1899. Pp. 35.

Sound Currency. October, 1899. Deposit Currency; the Effective Currency of Commercial Communities. Pp. 12. November, 1899. The Farmer's Interest in the Banking Question. Pp. 8. Both by L. Carroll Root.

Spencer, Frank Clarence. Education of the Pueblo Child. A Study in Arrested Development. (Columbia University Contributions to Philosophy, Psychology, and Education. Vol. VII, No. 1.) New York: The Macmillan Company. Pp. 97. 75 cents.

United States Commissioner of Education. Report for the Year 1897-'98. Vol. II. Containing Parts II and III. Pp. 2640.

United States Commissioner of Fish and Fisheries. The Preservation of Fishery Products for Food. By Charles H. Stevenson. Pp. 570.

United States Department of Labor. Bulletin No. 25. November, 1899. Foreign Labor Laws. Pp. 80.