584026Popular Science Monthly — Volume 561899

Table of Contents
November 1899
The Real Problems of Democracy 1
An English University 14
The Wonderful Century 25
Spider Bites and Kissing Bugs 31
The Mosquito Theory of Malaria 42
Food Poisoning 47
Wireless Telegraphy 59
Emigrant Diamonds in America 73
Needed Improvements in Theater Sanitation 84
The New Field Botany 98
Do Animals Reason? 105
Sketch of George M. Sternberg 116
Correspondence 122
Editor's Table 122
Scientific Literature 126
General Notices 128
Publications Received 134
Fragments of Science 135
Minor Paragraphs 142
Notes 143
December 1899
Exact Methods in Sociology 145
Vinland and its Ruins 160
The Education of the Feminist 176
Development of the American Newspaper 186
Value of the Study of Art 204
How Standard Time Is Obtained 213
Agricultural Education in Foreign Countries 218
Eastern Oyster Culture in Oregon 233
Malay Folklore 239
Electricity from Thales to Faraday 242
Wingless Birds 254
Sketch of Frederick C. Selous 258
Editor's Table 264
Scientific Literature 268
General Notices 270
Publications Received 279
Fragments of Science 280
Minor Paragraphs 286
Notes 287
January 1900
Advance of Astronomy During the Nineteenth Century 289
The Applications of Explosives I 300
A Paradoxical Anarchist 312
What Makes the Trolley Car Go I 316
Woman's Struggle for Liberty in Germany 328
Scenes on the Planets 337
Professor Ward on Naturalism and Agnosticism 349
Destructive Effects of Vagrant Electricity 357
Winter Birds in a City Park 366
Old Rattler and the King Snake 371
Remarkable Volcanic Eruptions in the Philippines 374
The Scavengers of the Body 379
Editor's Table 385
Fragments of Science 388
Minor Paragraphs 395
Notes 397
Publications Received 399
February 1900
South Sea Bubbles in Science 401
What Makes the Trolley Car Go II 408
Is the Christian Religion Declining? 423
A Century of Geology I 431
The Applications of Explosives II 444
A Year's Progress in the Klondike 455
The Decline of Criminal Jurisprudence in America 466
The Blind Fishes of North America 473
The Man of Science in Practical Affairs 487
Forenoon and Afternoon 492
President Jordan's Neminism 494
Correspondence 497
Editor's Table 501
Fragments of Science 505
Minor Paragraphs 510
Notes 511
Publications Received 512
March 1900
The Transplantation of a Race 513
Modern City Roadways 524
Typical Criminals 539
A Century of Geology II 546
Salamanders and Salamander Cats 556
What Makes the Trolley Car Go III 564
A Survival of Medieval Credulity I 577
Ribbon Lightning 587
Cross-Education 589
The Morbid Sense of Injury 596
Early Experiments in Air Flight 603
Sketch of Edward Orton 607
Editor's Table 614
Fragments of Science 618
Minor Paragraphs and Notes 622
Publications Received 624
April 1900
Recent Years of Egyptian Exploration 625
The Gold Sands of Cape Nome 633
A State Official on Excessive Taxation 645
Latest Developments with the X Rays 659
A Hundred Years of Chemistry I 673
The Science of Art Form 685
Steam Turbines and High-Speed Vessels 616
A Survival of Medieval Credulity II 706
Genuine Starch Factories 716
Trade Corporations in China 722
Editor's Table 728
Fragments of Science 731
Minor Paragraphs 737
Notes 738
Publications Received 739
Index 741