Portal:Ancient Greek science and mathematics

Ancient Greek science and mathematics
The Antikythera mechanism was an analog computer designed to calculate the positions of astronomical objects.



Anaxagoras ~ Antiphon the Sophist ~ Anthemius of Tralles ~ Apollonius ~ Archytas ~ Aristaeus the Elder ~ Aristarchus of Samos ~ Archimedes ~ Autolycus of Pitane ~ Bion ~ Bryson ~ Callippus ~ Carpus ~ Chrysippus ~ Cleomedes ~ Conon of Samos ~ Ctesibius ~ Cyzicenus ~ Democritus ~ Dicaearchus ~ Diocles ~ Diophantus ~ Dinostratus ~ Dionysodorus of Amisus ~ Domninus ~ Dositheus of Pelusium ~ Eratosthenes ~ Eudemus of Rhodes ~ Euclid ~ Eudoxus of Cnidus ~ Eutocius of Ascalon ~ Geminus of Rhodes ~ Hermotimus of Colophon ~ Hero of Alexandria ~ Hipparchus ~ Hippasus of Metapontum ~ Hippias ~ Hippocrates ~ Hypatia ~ Hypsicles ~ Isidore of Miletus ~ Leodamas of Thasos ~ Leon ~ Marinus ~ Menaechmus ~ Menelaus of Alexandria ~ Metrodorus ~ Neocleides ~ Nicomachus of Gerasa ~ Nicomedes ~ Nicoteles of Cyrene ~ Œnopides of Chios ~ Pappus of Alexandria ~ Perseus ~ Philippus of Mende ~ Philolaus ~ Philonides of Laodicea ~ Porphyry ~ Posidonius ~ Proclus ~ Ptolemy ~ Pythagoras ~ Serenus of Antinouplis ~ Sosigenes of Alexandria ~ Sporus ~ Thales ~ Theætetus of Athens ~ Theano ~ Theodorus of Cyrene ~ Theodosius of Tripolis ~ Theon of Alexandria ~ Theon of Smyrna ~ Theudius of Magnesia ~ Thymaridas of Paros ~ Xenocrates of Chalcedon ~ Zeno of Elea ~ Zeno of Sidon ~ Zenodorus ~ Zeuxippus




A mosaic of Hippocrates on the floor of the Asclepieion of Kos, with Asklepius in the center (2nd-3rd century)

See also
