Shakespeare - First Folio facsimile (1910)/As You Like It/Act 5 Scene 3

Scœna Tertia.

Enter Clowne and Audrey.

To morrow is the ioyfull day Audrey, to morow will we be married.

I do desire it with all my heart: and I hope it is no dishonest desire, to desire to be a woman of the world? Heere come two of the banish'd Dukes Pages.

Enter two Pages.


Wel met honest Gentleman.

By my troth well met: come, sit, sit, and a song.

We are for you, sit i'th middle.

Shal we clap into't roundly, without hauking, or spitting, or saying we are hoarse, which are the onely prologues to a bad voice.

I faith, y'faith, and both in a tune like two gipsies on a horse.


It was a Louer, and his lasse,

With a hey, and a ho, and a hey nonino,
That o're the greene corne feild did passe,
In the spring time, the onely pretty rang time.
When Birds do sing, hey ding a ding, ding.
Sweet Louers loue the spring,
And therefore take the present time.
With a hey, & a ho, and a hey nonino,
For loue is crowned with the prime.
In spring time, &c.

Betweene the acres of the Rie,
With a hey, and a ho, & a hey nonino:
These prettie Country folks would lie.
In spring time, &c.

This Carroll they began that houre,
With a hey and a ho, & a hey nonino:
How that a life was but a Flower,
In spring time, &c

Truly yong Gentlemen, though there was no great matter in the dittie, yet the note was very vntunable.

you are deceiu'd Sir, we kept time, we lost not our time.

By my troth yes: I count it but time lost to heare such a foolish song. God buy you, and God mend your voices. Come Audrie. Exeunt.