Shakespeare - First Folio facsimile (1910)/The Second Part of King Henry the Fourth/Act 5 Scene 2

Scena Secunda.

Enter the Earle of Warwicke, and the LordChiefe Iustice.
Warwicke. How now, my Lord Chiefe Iustice, whether away?
Ch.Iust. How doth the King?
Warw. Exceeding well: his CaresAre now, all ended.
Ch.Iust. I hope, not dead.
Warw. Hee's walk'd the way of Nature,And to our purposes, he liues no more.
Ch.Iust. I would his Maiesty had call'd me with him,The seruice, that I truly did his life,Hath left me open to all iniuries.
War. Indeed I thinke the yong King loues you not.
Ch.Iust. I know he doth not, and do arme my selfeTo welcome the condition of the Time,Which cannot looke more hideously vpon me,Then I haue drawne it in my fantasie.
Enter Iohn of Lancaster, Gloucester,and Clarence.
War. Heere come the heauy Issue of dead Harrie:O, that the liuing Harrie had the temperOf him, the worst of these three Gentlemen:How many Nobles then, should hold their places,That must strike saile, to Spirits of vilde sort?
Ch.Iust. Alas, I feare, all will be ouer-turn'd.
Iohn. Good morrow Cosin Warwick, good morrow.
Glou. Cla. Good morrow, Cosin.
Iohn. We meet, like men, that had forgot to speake.
War. We do remember: but our ArgumentIs all too heauy, to admit much talke.
Ioh. Well: Peace be with him, that hath made vs heauy
Ch.Iust. Peace be with vs, least we be heauier.
Glou. O, good my Lord, you haue lost a friend indeed:And I dare sweare, you borrow not that faceOf seeming sorrow, it is sure your owne.
Iohn. Though no man be assur'd what grace to finde,You stand in coldest expectation.I am the sorrier, would 'twere otherwise.
Cla. Wel, you must now speake Sir Iohn Falstaffe faire,Which swimmes against your streame of Quality.
Ch.Iust. Sweet Princes: what I did, I did in Honor,Led by th' Imperiall Conduct of my Soule,And neuer shall you see, that I will beggeA ragged, and fore-stall'd Remission.If Troth, and vpright Innocency fayle me,Ile to the King (my Master) that is dead,And tell him, who hath sent me after him.
War. Heere comes the Prince.
Enter Prince Henrie.
Ch.Iust. Good morrow: and heauen saue your Maiesty
Prince. This new, and gorgeous Garment, Maiesty,Sits not so easie on me, as you thinke.Brothers, you mixe your Sadnesse with some Feare:This is the English, not the Turkish Court:Not Amurah, an Amurah succeeds,But Harry, Harry: Yet be sad (good Brothers)For (to speake truth) it very well becomes you:Sorrow, so Royally in you appeares,That I will deeply put the Fashion on,And weare it in my heart. Why then be sad,But entertaine no more of it (good Brothers)Then a ioynt burthen, laid vpon vs all.For me, by Heauen (I bid you be assur'd)Ile be your Father, and your Brother too:Let me but beare your Loue, Ile beare your Cares;But weepe that Harrie's dead, and so will I.But Harry liues, that shall conuert those TearesBy number, into houres of Happinesse.
Iohn, &c. We hope no other from your Maiesty.
Prin. You all looke strangely on me: and you most,You are (I thinke) assur'd, I loue you not.
Ch.Iust. I am assur'd (if I be measur'd rightly)Your Maiesty hath no iust cause to hate mee.
Pr. No? How might a Prince of my great hopes forgetSo great Indignities you laid vpon me?What? Rate? Rebuke? and roughly send to PrisonTh' immediate Heire of England? Was this easie?May this be wash'd in Lethe, and forgotten?
Ch.Iust. I then did vse the Person of your Father:The Image of his power, lay then in me,And in th' administration of his Law,Whiles I was busie for the Commonwealth,Your Highnesse pleased to forget my place,The Maiesty, and power of Law, and Iustice,The Image of the King, whom I presented,And strooke me in my very Seate of Iudgement:Whereon (as an Offender to your Father)I gaue bold way to my Authority,And did commit you. If the deed were ill,Be you contented, wearing now the Garland,To haue a Sonne, set your Decrees at naught?To plucke downe Iustice from your awefull Bench?To trip the course of Law, and blunt the SwordThat guards the peace, and safety of your Person?Nay more, to spurne at your most Royall Image,And mocke your workings, in a Second body?Question your Royall Thoughts, make the case yours:Be now the Father, and propose a Sonne:Heare your owne dignity so much prophan'd,See your most dreadfull Lawes, so loosely slighted;Behold your selfe, so by a Sonne disdained:And then imagine me, taking your part,And in your power, soft silencing your Sonne:After this cold considerance, sentence me;And, as you are a King, speake in your State,What I haue done, that misbecame my place,My person, or my Lieges Soueraigntie.
Prin. You are right Iustice, and you weigh this well:Therefore still beare the Ballance, and the Sword:And I do wish your Honors may encrease,Till you do liue, to see a Sonne of mineOffend you, and obey you, as I did.So shall I liue, to speake my Fathers words:Happy am I, that haue a man so bold,That dares do Iustice, on my proper Sonne;And no lesse happy, hauing such a Sonne,That would deliuer vp his Greatnesse so,Into the hands of Iustice. You did commit me:For which, I do commit into your hand,Th' vnstained Sword that you haue vs'd to beare:With this Remembrance; That you vse the sameWith the like bold, iust, and impartiall spiritAs you haue done 'gainst me. There is my hand,You shall be as a Father, to my Youth:My voice shall sound, as you do prompt mine eare,And I will stoope, and humble my Intents,To your well-practis'd, wise Directions.And Princes all, beleeue me, I beseech you:My Father is gone wilde into his Graue,(For in his Tombe, lye my Affections)And with his Spirits, sadly I suruiue,To mocke the expectation of the World;To frustrate Prophesies, and to race outRotten Opinion, who hath writ me downeAfter my seeming. The Tide of Blood in me,Hath prowdly flow'd in Vanity, till now.Now doth it turne, and ebbe backe to the Sea,Where it shall mingle with the state of Floods,And flow henceforth in formall Maiesty.Now call we our High Court of Parliament,And let vs choose such Limbes of Noble Counsaile, That the great Body of our State may goIn equall ranke, with the best gouern'd Nation,That Warre, or Peace, or both at once may beAs things acquainted and familiar to vs,In which you (Father) shall haue formost hand.Our Coronation done, we will accite(As I before remembred) all our State,And heauen (consigning to my good intents)No Prince, nor Peere, shall haue iust cause to say,Exeunt.Heauen shorten Harries happy life, one day.